15 December 2012

Band of Bronies #008

Tired... but must make post. Must... promote... weekly radio show. It's been a rough week for me, Bronies, but I've got a job to do here. T-minus 10 hours 30 minutes until we go hot.

Greenlight. Get ready to jump!

Time:    1130 EST
Topics:  EP/FOBEQ events, community news, episode reviews, occasional interviews, and more!
Where:  Everypony Radio

Tune in after the new episode of MLP, which you can find on OUR STREAM over on The Midnight Run.

This week is a Rainbow Dash themed episode! I'll be honest, I caved and watched the leaked version the yesterday... please don't hate me! I do have to say, I loved it. Great episode, though I had some gripes here and there, but nothing really that big.

What? You think I'm going to spoil anything? Well, if you really want to find out what I thought and what the rest of the cast thought, just tune in! We'll have plenty to talk about. I mean, really, I'm an Air Force guy. How could I not have tons of input on this episode?


If you want to hear our Brony talking but can't make the time, don't worry! You can find all the episodes on Everypony's YouTube channel, found HERE!