01 December 2012

Band of Bronies #006

Last week was a slow one for the radio show. This week? Not so much. We have some guests and now everyone is back from their Thanksgiving festivities.

Stand in the door! Time to jump.

Time:    1130 EST
Topics:  EP/FOBEQ events, community news, episode reviews, occasional interviews, and more!
Where:  Everypony Radio

Tune in after the new episode of MLP, which you can find on OUR STREAM over on The Midnight Run.

Magic duels and the return of old antagonists... it's going to be an awesome Saturday. We'll be discussing the episode, random things in the Brony community, and maybe a few things going on with the sites. Oh, and one more thing...

We also have E-Vice and PixelTripper joining us this week as our special guests. If you don't know who they are, that's what I'm here for! Both are very heavily involved with the Seeds of Kindness charity album efforts. That, and they are working with the Kallisti Charity stream! E-Vice is actually the organizer of the contest on the main MLP subreddit! So a little background info on the contest straight from E-Vice:

"Its a charity based music contest based on the subreddit. There are 6 teams of 7 (teams are named after the mane 6) and each member of the team produces a track. That then gets contributed the team's 'album' that then gets uploaded to Bandcamp, which I will be setting up later this week I will then give the account information to the Hurricane Sandy charity of choice, so that they can set up a PayPal, and thus have every penny. The contest has lasted a month, and the music production time ended on Tuesday at midnight."
If you're still confused, then tune in and find out just what all that's about!


If you want to hear our Brony talking but can't make the time, don't worry! You can find all the episodes on Everypony's YouTube channel, found HERE!