17 December 2012

FOB newsletter #001 12/14/12

Now with 10% less teethmarks

The FOB Newsletter is a newly developed section by our new Journalist Silvermane who will be covering weekly events within the Brony Fandom. Starting with a Hiku, and moving onto randomness, cultural eloquence, imaginary letters to the editor, and the consistent use of third person.

Cover Art:
Dig my awesome letterhead! (Fluttershy is best pony)

A Fluttershy Haiku

Fluttershy looks bak
And sees, with fear leaping up
Hoofprints, following

     Hello, everypony! This is Silvermane with the first of what he hopes will be many weekly or “whenever-he-can-get-to-it”-ly newsletters.  Since this is the first newsletter, and some readers may not know who Silvermane is, allow him to introduce himself. He is a journalist brought on board FOB Equestria as a staff writer, journalist, content searcher, and all-around cool guy. It’s true what many ponies may have heard, that when Silvermane joined the staff, it immediately got 20% cooler. It took a little longer than “10 seconds flat” but Silvermane isn’t as awesome as RD. Is anypony?)  Silvermane joined the military in 1977, and is still in the military. (Air Force now, but he was Army for over 13 years.) Since his military job is a part-time Air National Guard job, of course Silvermane has a full-time job too. He actually works during the week as an electrician at the same base he does weekend drills at. Silvermane has been writing  in various formats for quite a while now including monthly newsletters at the base, proposals, job statements of work, and short fiction pieces (But no fan-fics). He even wrote some training manuals for Google when they opened a server farm in Pryor Oklahoma.

    Silvermane became a brony just a few months ago, due to his becoming aware of the work John De Lancie did with the show. When he first heard Mr. De Lancie was doing VA for MLP, Silvermane thought;

  “What, that lame show from the 80’s?”
  (And 90’s and early 2000’s, but you get the point).

   Curious, he did a little searching and discovered Lauren Faust was involved in it. As a fan of QUALITY animation and animated shows (Yes, Silvermane is aware MLP FIM is Flash-based and not cel animation), Silvermane knew her from her previous   Powerpuff Girls and other shows. He also knew of Rob Renzetti, Paul Rudish, and Martin Ansolobehere. Finally, he took a deep breath and watched an episode on YouTube. (it was “Sonic Rainboom”) Everypony knows what happens after you watch one. You gotta watch one more. Then one more. Then a few more. Pretty soon “welcome to the herd” is echoing throughout Equestria. It happened to Silvermane, and he’s glad, GLAD, he tells you! 

   Anyway, back to pony business!

  As for the writing gig, Silvermane was told initiative was not only desired, but a pre-requisite for the position. This newsletter is one aspect of that initiative. He hopes to chronicle things happening around the brony community  as well as his thoughts on different subjects. He is planning the format of this Newsletter to be as follows; (except for this rather long 1st issue introduction, or course)
  • Part One "The Stable" will be  an article discussing one aspect of the military brony community, or the brony movement in general, including the public perceptions of bronies, and media statements concerning bronies as Silvermane finds them or thinks them up. 
  • Part Two will be what he calls “Random Musings” and it will usually be whatever brony-related or MLP-related thoughts come into his mind. 
  • Part Three will be “Silvermane’s Culture Corner” and will briefly describe a popular cultural reference in one of the shows.
  • Part Four will be “Letters to the Editor” (me), and will post comments, praises, or criticisms, as well as suggestions from Silvermane’s loyal readers.
   That’s about it for the format, let’s get started;


  Since the intro in this first newsletter is so long, Silvermane is going to call it the Stable Article this time around to avoid excess article length.  So on to...


  •  Absolutely true “Silvermane-Swears-To-Celestia” story…
             Wednesday someone apparently found a few of my posts while surfing the Internet and asked me;
             <Clueless>  “Dude, you watch a show made for little GIRLS??”
             <Silvermane> “Yeh.”
             <Clueless> “WHY?”
             <Silvermane> “Watch an episode. It has great characters, great storylines, and great, well, everything!”
             And this is when he says, (And bear in mind this guy knows NOTHING about MLP, brony fandom, or popular brony memes.);
             <Clueless> “So you watch it for the PLOT??”
             <Silvermane> “NO!!!”
             Silvermane is rarely rendered speechless, but this was one of those times.

  • In an earlier post, Silvermane had a section called “Things That Should Be In The Dictionary, But aren’t” and had “Phronie” (a cross between "brony" and "phony"). Now we have; “Dash Crasher”: someone who, while not quite a hater, barges in to where a brony or several bronies are watching and/or discussing MLP and begins making lame, loud or obnoxious comments about the watchers or the show. AKA: “Buzzkill” 

  • Silvermane was wondering which branch of service has the most bronies, percentage-wise. He’s thinking “Air Force” but is open to opposing viewpoints. Comments, anypony? You might get your opinion posted in the next newsletter.

  • How many fans dread (like Silvermane does) that Seaponies are going to be introduced sometime in the show? Oh well, maybe they’ll be adorable.

So much culture in this corner, that it'll put you in the hospital!
      OK, new episode came out featuring everyone’s favorite CMC, Scoots. All in all it was a GREAT episode, especially since we got to see Luna again. (So now we know it’s her job to enter dreams… Interesting future storyline possibilities there…) Anyway, during the first nights’ campout, RD tells everyone a story called (I think) “Where’s my rusty horseshoe?” In the story, a scary creature is looking for her missing horseshoe, apparently stolen by one of the listeners. At the end RD jumps out at Scoots and yells; “YOU got it!!” This is a reference to an essay Mark Twain once wrote about how to tell a proper ghost story. His story was called “The Golden Arm” and in the essay Mr. Twain tells the reader exactly how to pace the story to get the maximum effect. The “YOU GOT IT!!” that RD yells is exactly how the Twain story ends.  Mark Twain could tell this story so effectively that his children were terrified of it and refused to be in the room when he told it. Here’s a link if you want to read it yourself. (Be warned, Mark twain wrote it in a slave dialect common at the time, as that is how he heard it told. So it may be difficult to easily understand.)


(The book RD is reading is titled “SNUFF” by the great Terry Pratchett. Silvermane gives it 5 stars.) 


Well obviously there are no letters to the editor YET, since this is the first issue. So Silvermane will make some up.

Letter #1
“Editor Silvermane;  why are you so awesome??”
 Signed, “Clueless in Cloudsdale”
“Dear Clueless; That information is classified.”

Letter #2
“Editor Silvermane; Aren’t you, like, old?” Signed, “Mystified in Manehattan”
“Dear Mystified; No!”

Letter #3
 “Editor Silvermane; Yeah? Well I heard you WERE! Are you SURE you aren’t?” Signed, “Stumped in Saddle Arabia”
“Dear Stumped; “No!!”

- Silvermane

<Editor’s note;> “Oh look, Silvermane’s email server just crashed! Must have been those darn parasprites! I guess that’s all the letters this time, stay tuned next week for an exciting new Hoofprints installment.
My name is Miche, and I approve of this message. /)^3^(\

Semper Filly!!