19 December 2012

ARTillery Inbound #016

"You Shall Not Pass" by Inu-Hoshi-to-Dark Pen

Steel plating is useless in protecting the wearer in the rain. Then again, if your fighting some sort of beast off screen your probably not too concerned about that...

What you would be concerned about is how soon your next fire mission will arrive, in this next ARTillery Inbound!

Submitted by Perry Casillas

Real life sonic rainboom!  Submitted by Ethan Maynes

Source is in Russian: You guys tell me what it says

I brought you a muffin! I'm also your navigator! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG

Derpy Hooves before takeoffby ~normanb88

Ponies are not effected by rotor wash

Black Hawkby ~normanb88


Protecting Crystal Empire by *Adlynh

Go tell the spartans...

Spartan-pegasus by ~Chameleon-Vlad


Flutterjoust by *Dori-to

I am the Fighter by *MoonlightFL

She's a killer queen, gunpowder, gelatine, and dynamite with a laser beam.

rarity HBCT by *shadawg

Up-armored Luna!

Guardian of the Night by ~X-TURENT

More adorable jousting

Joust for Honour by ~RainbowGambler

I say, sonic rainbooms are simply smashing!

Oh, those hussars... by ~MadHotaru

Scoots and Derpy try their hoof at radar tracking. Debate whether they got lost.

Night Hunt by *MadHotaru

Luna in camo, or a blue falcon? YOU DECIDE!

army.png by ~Spromultis

It's like if Fabio was had a gun, had black hair, and was a pony

oc request Keonby *shadawg

When you put them on assault rifles they are really just "suppressors" and not "silencers"

Tactical Dashby ~tjtreece

CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE, unload, show clear.

The rain has stopped, the sun is shining, and we made some brand new holes in the ground.

Just a reminder, if you have anything to submit, art or otherwise, you can still submit it to FOBEquestria@gmail.com