15 December 2012

In Memoriam: Newtown Massacre

After the events of yesterday, we at FOB Equestria would like to release a statement, considering what has transpired, and what role military service members play.

First, we at FOB Equestria offer our condolences and support to all of the families affected by this mass tragedy.

Secondly, as per the order from the President of The United States all US flags are to be lowered to half mast. Alternatively, if you have a flag that does not lower, place a black ribbon/streamer the same width as one of the stripes and the same length of the flag at the top, or (if wall mounted) three black mourning bows along the top edge (each corner and centered). This will remain in effect until December 18.

From my personal experience, I've always believed that military service members are a kind of "white blood cell" to the body of our nation. Typically, we service members, who must consider death as a part of our life, are sought out by civilians to take a leadership role in information, protection, and guidance. It is in this form that we as service members must inform them that these terrible things, these unthinkable things, actually do occur. We must let them know that their fear is not new, nor are they alone in being afraid.

The fear generated by these incidents is the primary weapon of those who hate and fear. Whether it be someone crazed by some unjustifiable and incomprehensibly poor excuse to commit such an act of barbarism here in the US, or the purposeful murder of children by terrorists in Afghanistan because they deem little girls who learn how to read to be a major threat; the primary goal is to inflict pain, fear, and isolation. The desire to make countless victims upon victims in indirect attacks on the mass psyche of our society is seemingly crippling.

But it is not.

Sometimes we veterans have a sinking feeling of fear that, as we sit in a war zone, somehow we are more secure than our family and friends wishing us luck and safety. We fear that it is they who are in a dangerous place where they may die in accidents, random crimes, or tragedies like this one. Sometimes we have a feeling of helplessness, that it should be us who feel the blunt of these events, as is our duty.

But we are not helpless.

This is why they attack the innocent, instead of us: the warriors who would gladly bear the burden that is ours already.

It is up to us, once again as warriors, to stand at arms against this hate and fear, and light the way for others. When people come to us and ask us about these tragedies, we must let them know that the feelings they have from these acts of barbarism are the intent of brutes. We must let the people we protect know, and lead by example, that the way to disarm and defeat such an attack on the psyche is through love. As warriors, we understand the power of unity, and as Bronies we understand the strength that love provides. With this, we wield a blade of unity and love, strengthened by the steel of our resolve, to use against the horde of those who desire only chaos and pain.

We must love those who grieve and provide them strength, we must support those who took individual efforts to do good, and we must show our dedication to push through a time of pain. We will stand against those who hate, because we know that in our unity we will pass through the brier patch of evil that they have laid before us, and we will emerge stronger and more determined to do what is right.

Semper Filly