05 December 2012

Lunar Transmissions: December 5th

Another week, another Lunar Transmissions. A couple of musicians are their guests this week.

Check the info below!

Leatherneck here once again, just kidding Ground Control here once again taking over his blogger account again.  This week's a bit of an interesting one as we have two musicians of complete opposites in sty...AND I'M BACK, huzzah for back door programs courtesy of PrimeSonic! Being that we have another musicians special, I've called upon our good friend SeventhElement to help us interview:
You can check the broadcast via the JETSTREAM tab . If you have any feedback, requests, or suggestions about who you would like to see interviewed on the show, please contact us on Twitter at @LunarTrans , like us on Facebook, or email us at lunartransmissions@themidnightrun.net
Tune in and join the live chat