16 December 2012

Attack of the Memes! #002

Source: Military Bronies Facebook page
So I renamed Brony Reaction Force into something less misleading for this week after a helpful suggestion in the comments. Once again, we are going over the brony community's immediate response to episodes in art, music, memes, and other forms of media.

So this week's episode didn't get much attention from the fandom in general, but that's because it's pretty much our episode to work with. As such, nearly all the meme stuff came from the Military Bronies Facebook Page.

As this is military humor oriented and involves both memes AND the internet... BE ADVISED: NSFW: Language

This is a fact, but seriously: just go around!

This totally happens in recruit training

You loose points if you can't guess the movie. Also, can someone identify the source?

meanwhile...by ~GordonFreeguy


Back in my day, you didn't have no fancy shmancy grass cutters, you just did push ups until the grass was flat!

Yeah, I'm gonna ask Meghan McCarthy about THAT one! If I were a recruit, I would know that that was a trap.

Two of you bronies out there need to make this into a picture and hang it on a wall.

Yeah, sure..... RANDOM!
I bet the investigating officer does!

This one's for all you cadets, you especially Tavor!

Unlike the previous ones, these are not from Military Bronies, it's from My Little Brony

This one is by Spangle instead of from the Military Bronies website


Alright! That's all for now.

Let me know if you guys are interested in seeing more of these compilations for future episodes. This one was a little dry so it doesn't contain much art or music, but  that's the role of the dice.