16 December 2012

Fan Fiction Review #026: Letters from the Crescent Sun

Ever heard the saying 'Fighting for peace is like bucking for virginity'?  I know these guys wouldn't agree.

There is no specific description. This review will cover the following series of short stories: Ride With the Moon in the Dead of NightUnforgettable DeliveryA Promise to the FutureOn the Wings of Loyalty, and Kindness Under Fire.
Jump on into the cockpit, we'll give you the brief on the way to the objective, after the break.

'Letters from the Crescent Sun' is a collection of short stories on Deviant Art, so as of such there wasn't an author's summary like you'd find on the inside cover of most novels. You'll just have to make do with my summary here. As said before, it's collection of short stories in the form of history lessons, memories and letters that tell of both the horrors and honor in war, the soldiers and the innocents, and the foes that really are not all that different from the heroes. We're all just people, trying to do the best for ourselves and those we care about.

These stories have been probably some of the most challenging to read I've had in a while. Don't get me wrong, that's a good thing. After piles of random comedy and a enough ship-fics to fill an ocean, a story that I actually have to work to follow is a welcome respite. 'Letters from the Crescent Sun' is a humanized war fic, told in bits and pieces from the eyes of various characters. You'll follow Special Agent Pie, Ms. Ditzy the pilot, and the shy medic through the end of the war, and eventually into a saving relief effort.

The author leaves much of the visualization to the reader. It's not so much about mental picturing of the surrounding as the emotional content. *hrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnk* right in the feels man! It was kind of hard to start reading, in the same sort of manner that it's hard to read an old novel translated from another language. You have to spend a little time mentally adjusting to the writing style, but it was well worth the effort. Soon I was sneaking through the night, flying through storms, and saving starving refugees with my favorite ponies... err ,soldiers.

Of last note, you may trip up on the character names a bit. Just think for a second, and you'll figure them all out. Good luck!

The ratings:

Originality: 5/5
Composition: 3/5
Characters: 5/5
Imagery: 5/5
Plot: 4.5/5

Overall: 4.5/5

TLDR: This review wasn't long you lazy jerk. If you really can't be bothered to read it, than at least go read this fic.