18 July 2012

Op-Ed: Colonel Kurt Schlichter

Oh! Looks like a new post! With a new HQ Staff member! What do you know? Anyway, on to business.

There was an article on BREITBART TV back in late April by Army (Ret.) Col Kurt Schlichter about our little community. As expected, he does not have the highest opinion of bronies and says some down right mean things. Well, us military bronies have some things to say about that. Check it out after the break!
Let me start off with a few things first:

  1. This article is HIGHLY inflammatory and has a high chance to anger some readers. You have been warned. The article can be found here.
  2. We strongly believe in the freedoms we fight for. While we do not agree with what the Colonel says, we support his right to say it. That being said, just because he has the right to say it doesn't mean it was right of him to say it.
  3. This is NOT a call to arms. It is just meant to be a discussion with a military perspective. Remember: haters gonna hate, don't feed the parasprites, love and tolerate, etc.
  4. Finally, this article is a few months old. In that time, it is possible his opinions have changed. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is not the case. Please let us know if this is incorrect.

ANYWAY, let's get back to the reason you're here.

The article is titled "Terrifying New Trend: Grown Men Who Dig 'My Little Pony'" and tells you right from the start what you're getting. Worst of all? It doesn't even use a picture from Friendship is Magic, which immediately hurts the credibility of the piece. If you're going to insult us, at least insult us for the right things. Sheesh!

The Colonel makes his view of bronies pretty clear. He thinks we're all "pathetic sissies" and "man-children." In fact, he doesn't even consider the possibility that there are bronies in the military!
"Yeah, some will say it’s unfair to compare a bunch of harmless fem-boys who stopped maturing at age seven with the heroic men and women facing death or dismemberment on all our behalves every day."
It's pretty clear that military members and bronies are two completely separate groups in his mind. What? Just because I like the show automatically means I'm unable or unwilling to protect my country? I beg to differ, sir!

What about this show makes it so incompatible with the military and manhood anyway? Is not a military member supposed to be loyal? Honest? Able to show kindness and generosity? Be a good friend and comrade? It seems to me that the values our military cherishes are promoted in the show we love. Sure it was designed for little girls, but the show is so much more than that! If you ask me, a true man embodies the values the show promotes.

The Colonel, on the other hand, seems to think Captain Kirk is a better example of what a man should be. 
"Watching James T. Kirk teaches young males key life lessons – that violence is an important option for defeating evil, that individual dignity is worth fighting for, and that scoring with green alien chicks is awesome."
Don't get me wrong, I love James T. Kirk! He is a man I would follow to hell and back if he existed, but I think there are a few holes in his argument.
  • First, violence should only be considered as a LAST RESORT. We as the military try our best to be the peacekeepers. Do we take lives? Sure. But it's not something we do lightly or decide on whims or emotions.
  • Second, personal dignity is not something you have to "fight for," but rather a matter of self-confidence. Basically, I believe it comes down to if you're proud of who you are and what you've done. It's something YOU have and NO ONE can take from you unless you let them.
  • Third, I beg to differ that a lot of sex with random women is one of the key definitions of being a man. What ever happened to finding the right girl and being faithful to one partner?
Let's face it, Captain Kirk isn't the best representation of the modern gentleman.

To be honest, I'm left with the impression that the Colonel based his entire opinion of bronies on preconceived notions of what he believes a fan of the show would be like. There seems to be very little fact or research actually done about this community. From what I've seen, bronies are impressively productive and artistically talented, very outgoing and friendly, and have raised thousands upon thousands of dollars for various charities. We do not "retreat into a frivolous fantasy world." Instead, we do our best to take the joy and values from the show and try to make the world a better place, and THAT is something to be proud of.

In fact, the Colonel challenged the bronies to raise $2500 for the Wounded Warrior Project. If they did, he agreed to where a Pinkie Pie hoodie in public and even allow himself to be photographed. In typical brony fashion, the community united and created the Band of Pseudo Bronies. The group raised $2,792.72, showing the Colonel that the bronies are not a community to be taken lightly. To his credit, he kept his promise, showing just how much he cares about our servicemen and women.

I respect the Colonel for his service to this country, but he is just plain mistaken in his perceptions of bronies. In short, we are military bronies. We can hike for miles with 65 pound rucksacks after being starved for a week. We can take apart a jet engine, fix it, and put it back together. We can shoot a target from 500 yards away. We protect this country and its freedoms. Your argument is invalid.

Semper Filly!

Update: July 22, 2012: