I like to think Bronies are a respectable bunch of people. We follow a show where a lesson about friendship is taught at the end of each episode. The Elements of Harmony are Honesty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, and Loyalty. Our motto is "Love and Tolerate."
So naturally with this kinds of stuff bronies should be open to other people embracing this kind of culture of peace and friendship and accept them with open arms. Naturally we would drop petty bigotry and prejudice.
I'm wrong.
The thing is, we are a community built on the values of love and tolerance. We've attracted quite a few celebrities to our cause such as Chris Evans and Seth Green. However, there is some ingrained bigotry in the community against certain celebrities and it really gets under my skin when numerous bronies completely go against everything they stand for.
Let's face it, a lot of people hate The Twilight Saga. I personally see it as a shallow love story between two stupid unlikable kids. Even some of the actors have expressed their disdain for it (subtly of course). If you bothered to follow the link and watch the video on said page, you may have noticed the Twilight sparkler himself Robert Pattinson reference My Little Pony. Instead of praising the fact that a famous celebrity has conceivably joined the herd, many bronies instantly jumped on the hate bandwagon. Multiple comments said they would never accept Robert Pattinson into the herd, so much that the YouTube video was removed for obvious reasons.
So Robert isn't allowed to like the show? It's only for the people who aren't into the gayness that is Twilight? I find this absurd. But Robert Pattinson was just the tip of the iceberg. Now we get to the big one:
![OH GOD WHY?!](https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/7/25/O8A6jEP1tEKq99JWqt-wmQ2.jpg)
Now, I'm indifferent to Justin Bieber. His music doesn't do it for me at all. But I don't hate on him. I let Justin do his thing, and he lets me do mine. There's still good music being made, and there's still good music that has already been made. His fans are a little irritating and overly passionate, but they aren't that bad. In fact, I'd have to say the haters are more annoying than he is. The "Justin Bieber is a girl" jokes aren't funny, and in my opinion never were.
This little picture almost made me punch my computer. Multiple hate comments spawned forth from this post on My Little Brony. There were a couple valiant defenders of his choice, and I applaud these individuals. But here's some examples of posts that made me weep for the future of this fandom.
Aj Mallison · None
um, even if this were real aren't we always supposed to love and tolerate, ALWAYS?!?
So what, we only love and tolerate the people we want to? Only the ones who make us look good? That's an incredible injustice and is a disgrace to everything bronies stand for. We need to stand up and set an example for others to follow. Would Pinkie Pie shun a clopper? Would Twilight Sparkle turn away Edward Cullen? Would Princess Celestia encourage the hatred of Justin Bieber? It sounds to me like a couple of us need to take a good long look at ourselves and ask if we truly do follow the values of this show.
Love and Tolerate and Semper Filly,