16 July 2012

ARTillery Inbound! #002

Dash duel wielding pistols against Zeros. This is like 200,000% cooler. Source here
Now featuring air support!

This time we have a couple submissions that we're showing off first, as well as some interesting things we discovered on the internet.

If you've seen one that we've missed, go ahead and SUBMIT them to FOBEQUESTRIA@GMAIL.COM  so we can all share and care together...

This one was submitted to us by Tyler, and its from Priceless911, afew more of his works are bleow
Source 1

Commander Mist
Source 2

Star Bolt here proves that pony's have good taste in guns, hence the Desert Eagle
Source 3

A likely future banner submitted by Zaehlas
Source 4 -inform

And in a related note, from Wolfjedisamuel
Source 5

Perhaps you've seen this one, submitted by Frost-3D
Source 6

Submitted by Meister. Note: modern cowgirls carry short stock SPAS-12's

No Source

Found on the DA page of LaaseensLD, along with several other. In Soviet Russia, horses shoot at YOU!
Source 8

What, I don't even...
Source 9

Fluttershy isn't being irrational this time, a round passed through her kevlar!
Source 10

Before she dropped bass in Ponyvile, she was dropping grenades for the Brits
Source 11

Darling, ammo belts, canteens, and the HK G3 are absolutely IN this fighting season!
Source 12

By me, Saunter Hoof,    spread it around

Yeah that last one just kinda happened. I was eating lunch and then BAM. It all made sense... And of course we're not promising you a rose garden, it's an Apple Orchard ya bum!