20 February 2013

Author Interview Dispatch #001

Bronies of the FOB! How's it going? I hope you're well, and if not, I hope things get better, but enough small talk. Thanks to RBDash47, we have some fanfic author interviews inbound to your location! Catch'em after the jump!

***Transmitting Message***
Hello sir(s) or madam(s),

I'm the founder and administrator of the Pony Fiction Vault, a site intended to collect what I consider to be the best of the best pony fanfic and interview their authors about their work.

Three of the stories in the Vault have a decidedly military slant (and in fact two of them have been featured in your fanfic review posts), so I thought your readers might be interested to learn a little more about their authors and the stories themselves, a sort of behind-the-scenes bonus feature. They are:

A Cup of Joe, by The Descendant
The Pony in My Pocket, by BaroqueNexus
Gold Star, by Mindblower

Thank you for your service, both brony and military.

Best regards,
***Transmission Complete***

As a matter of fact, there will be a review of Gold Star written by yours truly published very shortly after this post, so be on the lookout! That's all for now, though there may be more author interviews in the future!

As you were!