25 July 2012

Letter to the Editor: Zaehlas' Opinion on Season 3

One of our many users would like you to consider the following about the debate, hype, and lead up to Season 3:

This is an editorial that I originally wrote relatively soon after the completion of season 2.  I think in this sense, and at this time-frame it still applies.  I want people that are waiting for season 3 to take a certain mindset into consideration.  If we can all relax as a group and patiently wait for season 3, ad then most importantly, watch the season with the expectations of which it was intended, we will all have much more fulfilling lives.  I don't want to totally disappoint anyone, but I want to point out the following.

This entire season has been a roller coaster ride of epic proportions.  I became a Brony just before the season started, so although I watched all of season 1 (finishing that literally just in time for the start of season 2), I wasn't hanging with baited breath for each episode, reading comments, feedback, etc.  Of course the community wasn't as big, so I don't know if the experience would have been the same.,

Every episode had it's moments.  Episodes that didn't have a lot of built up hype or attention ended up surprising everyone.  Episodes that everyone was waiting for delivered with a bang and more.  Every time we though we might be up against a cliched "normal" cartoon episode, the staff of DHX throw something in there that puts it above and beyond.

And like a roller coaster the pace of the season sped up and slowed down, with some known required (and not always appreciated) breaks in broadcasting.  Then just a little bit into the season, more and more FiM staff start talking with the Bronies.  More communication, with the Hub Facebook starting to throw us tidbits and sneak peeks.  The pace speeds up and slows down, moderated in some by the controversies that I need not mention.  And like a true roller coaster they save the best for the last stretch.

In order for it to BE the best, there has to be slower and faster moments.  There's always going to be an episode here and there that people may or may not like.  Not every episode can be best.  However as a combined whole, the series and seasons can BE the best.  You can't have a good movie without mixing action, romance, plot, special effects, and many other things and not everyone will watch said good movie for all those things.  The same with FiM, not every episode or every minute of every episode was perfect, or even good.  But as a unified whole I can say I've never been entertained by one single "facet of entertainment" in my 37 years of life as much as I have been entertained by MLP FiM these last 11 months.

That includes Hasbro and DHX involvement, the Bronies, the meet-ups, the art, music, videos and media that has ripped through the Internet in torrents.  I am honored to have been lucky enough to be a part of that.  With the wrong introduction I could have remained a skeptic and missed out, avoiding the Bronies altogether.  Luckily I did not, have not.

The "park" may be closed for the moment, and the roller coaster itself is sitting quiet, oiled and shined.  Next season will start it up again, and like any good adventure park, it will be bigger and have more features and be more hyped up and advertised than ever before.  But remember, it will still be a roller coaster.  To have incredible rushing "great moments" you have to have slower preparation times.  And I look forward to every minute of it, good and bad, fast and slow.

Thank you to anyone that reads this for letting me be a part of something special.

Thanks for the letter Zaehlas!