11 July 2012

ARTillery Inbound! #001

Military Bronies, BE ADVISED: There is ARTillery inbound at your location, danger close!

We've had two major contributors  so far, and you'll find their websites in the source. Don't be shy about bombarding us with your ARTillery pieces. (I can do this all night) We'd be happy to have it. Don't forget you can share them with others in the forum too. Don't forget we also need a banner!

Source 1

Source 2

Who Derps Wins, I love it!

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5

Rainbow Dash always unloads in style...

Source 6

Source 7

Who keeps giving guns to ponies? I'll just use the Deus Ex Machina of a Tom Clancy novel and say, "Russians".
Source 8


If you want us to repeat another salvo, we'll need more artwork. While you do that, I'll work on more puns.