26 July 2012

ARTillery Inbound! #005

Gilda, you can take the tank, or the cupcake. Both are in Fluttershy's hooves
Source 1
Seriously Fluttershy, just calm down...

Also, check out our new Deviant Art group to see the latest stuff we're looking at and as another way to submit stuff to us!

Anyways, as is always: "SPLASH!"

Translation: "Stand the buck by."
 Source 2

For the Battlefield 3 Fans, also PINKY PIE HAS AN AXE, RUN!
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...proving they would absolutely kill for cutie marks
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Naval Gunfire Support, it's always good news to whomever is on the beach.
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I want to know why Fluttershy is so unprepared in this situation...
Source 7

Thank you Fluttershy, that's much better.
Source 8

The next several are works done by Wolfjedisamuel, he submitted them to our DA page.
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I think I want to make this my desktop background...
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First, Rainbow Dash pony tail mane = awesome. Second, there's no rounds in that double feed...
Source 14


That's all for now, remember, it makes our lives easier if you submit the work to us. I have yet to reject artwork that has been submitted, so that should answer you question if your worried about it.


Also, join our new DA group at: http://fobequestria.deviantart.com/