12 July 2012

MandoPony on changing the world

One of our top brony artists, MandoPony, just wrote about his views on pushing boundries as an artist. I think he has a good point. 

Read more about it below.

Mando's tells us that he has been getting some stick for not being original enough and not pushing boundaries as an artist.

I have to agree with him, what the problem with that? His music is well composed, of good quality and his singing isn't off key. He provides us with overall good music that is enjoyable to listen to, especially since it's about ponies.

In our world, we're not all members of SEAL Team Six either, ridding the world of the bin Laden's or assisting revolutions to overthrow oppressive regimes.

Most of us are just the average soldier/sailor, techie or mechanic making the military machinery keep running at the designated speed. We're just here to do our job, to serve our country and then go home when our service is over. Nothing special, just doing our part so someone else doesn't have to.

So unless someone has an objection; we hear you Mando, and we're with you.