31 October 2012

Lunar Transmissions: Nightmare Night

This Nightmare Night, the Lunar Transmissions Satellite will be hooking up to try and send some of the festive fun up for everyone's favorite astronaut ponies. So take a break from stuffing your face with candied goods, and join PrimeSonic, Leatherneck and some returning guests for some Nightmare Night antics coming at you live from everyone's favourite banana-strewn hunk of rock in the skies.
You can check the broadcast via the JETSTREAM tab or join the live chat in the Midnight Run JustInTV page. Send your feedback, requests, and suggestions about who you would like to see interviewed next to lunartransmissions@themidnightrun.net

Tune in and join the live chat

29 October 2012

Episode Review: Look Before You Sleep

The jokes just write themselves for this one.

Commander Firebrand has released his next MLP Episode Review: "Look Before You Sleep!" In this one, he teams up with Darth Subtlety and fights a heroic battle against the evil Hurricane Sandy! (No he doesn't, but wouldn't that be awesome?)

I don't know why he's still talking in the third person either. Hit the jump for the latest episode plus all links to previous ones!

FOB Equestria Podcast #005

Another week, another podcast! This time we got back to our roots a bit and talk about some of the content us Bronies have been putting out on the internet!

Also, Navy Brony joins us yet again, back from... whatever it is he was doing. Navy things, yeah.

Give it a listen after the break!

27 October 2012

SITREP #022: FOB Equestria on Radio?

What?! We haven't mentioned this yet? Who's fault is th... oh.

So... hey guys. What's up? Umm, so we are starting this whole radio show deal with the folks over at Everypony and it airs tomorrow... well, technically today. Later this morning, in fact.

Get all the information after the break!

26 October 2012

25 October 2012

Interview: Firemane


Another interesting individual was spotted by our recon team at Canterlot Gardens. He goes under the pseudonym "Firemane", despite having no such thing. He is apparently involved in wood-altering activities. This had to be investigated.

Check it out below!

Interview: Andrea Libman


Our recon team spotted a pink blur, seemingly bouncing around in the halls of Canterlot Gardens. Once they caught up with it, it turned out to be a yellow pony hiding behind it's pink mane. After some introductions and promises that we weren't dangerous, she agreed to talk to us. 

Catch our interview with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and/or Andrea Libman below!

Fan Fiction Review #017: The Youth in the Garden

*sniff* Oh, dear Celestia...*sob*....... Uh, OH! H-Hey guys! I didn't, uh...*sniff* didn't see you there! What, this? Oh, it's nothing. *sniff* I just, um... got dust in my eye! And, I'm... allergic to, uh... s-stuff.


Author: The Descendant
September 17th, 1862 became the single bloodiest day in American history when a battle was fought along the Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. 
Yesterday, Fluttershy hummed happily as she watered her garden. 
The two events are not unrelated.
Will this story survive the wrath of the Drill? Find out after the jump!

23 October 2012

ARTillery Inbound #014

OMG! What are you doing Lance Corpral Shmuckatelli!

Unfortunately SOME PONY decided to go and do something stupid on the parade deck. Then SOME OTHER PONY decided to upload the pictures on to Facehoof, and now they are here.

In any case, we must suspend our non-mission essential activites while we adjust fire for the next ARTillery inbound!

22 October 2012

FOB Equestria Podcast #004

That's right, the podcast is back! Wondering where it's been? Want to know what's been going on? Got some free time to listen to us ramble on about things brony and military?

Well then... have we got a show for you! Grab a snack and tune in for the  next 1 hour 25 minutes. Yeah, it's a long one this week.

Catch the video and MP3 download after the jump!

21 October 2012

Interview: Rina-Chan and Meredith Sims

The recon team at Canterlot Gardens managed to spot two very interesting individuals at the convention. They are commonly known as Rina-Chan and Meredith Sims, both very talented young voice actresses.

Our brave team proceeded to talk to these lovely ladies.

Find out what happened below!

SITREP #021: BlackGryp0n's Been Busy!

As the title says, BlackGryph0n, one of our fellow Military Bronies, has been rather busy doing quite a lot of pony related things. Since we've had our hands full here at the FOB with several of our own projects and events, we haven't had the time to properly promote our comrade's work!

That's what this post is for! Want to catch up on some of his latest exploits? Well then...

Catch up with BlackGryph0n after the jump!

20 October 2012

Interview: Amy Keating Rogers

Our recon team has uncovered super secret intelligence on how pony stories are conceived. It may or may not include magic, muffins and/or oatmeal. But it definetly involves Amy Keating Rogers.

Discover the truth below!

19 October 2012

Interview: Cathy Weseluck

Next on the list of super awesome people we interviewed at Canterlot Gardens is Cathy Weseluck. For those of you not familiar, she voice Mayor Mare and Spike on our beloved show.

Being as she voices the chararcter of Twilight's #1 assistant, how can you guys resist? I could try to make that an order... but who would listen to me anyway?

Catch the interview after the jump!

SITREP #020: A Creber Christmas

"Hello, this is A Creber Christmas, may I take your order?"

"Yes, I'd like a dozen handmade Creber christmas cookies."

Do you want to have a Creber Christmas too? Find out how below!

18 October 2012

SITREP #019: Season 3 Announced for... Marine Corps Birthday?

Well... this is a pleasant surprise/coincidence.

Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is airing on November 10th, 2012 when 237 years ago the Marine Corps was founded in Tun Tavern, Fillydelphia. Did they do this intentionally to subtly give a shoutout to of the one of the most rising subsections of the Brony fandom? Maybe. Then again, we should hardly be surprised considering 1. We're awesome. 2. We're Tara Strong's favorite Bronies. 3. Shining Armor is in the episode and seems to be playing a game of tag with Lord Somber.

Post in the forums about your speculations! Will this season be awesome? Or will it be more awesome?

17 October 2012

Lunar Transmissions: 10/17/2012

Wednesday means Lunar Transmissions will be doing another podcast. It will be a panel of Brony Artists including Baminational, Pirate Dash, SophieCabra, and some inevitable discussion of Ask Pirate Dash and the BronyCon 2013 Mascot.

Click below for more info.

Military Bronies RE-react...

Good News!

After some dealing with some surprise enfilade fire, the Military Broines React video is back up for your viewing pleasure. Don't you just hate it when things are going well and you get contact right from a concealed entrenched position...

Anyway, click below to enjoy the madness!

Kilroy's Comics Corner: #004

You didn't see the DMR coming did you?
1st Awesome Platoon made this just for me out of the kindness of their hearts because they are awesome people and you should hug them.

I don't care if the AT-4 is a little much, I do what a want.


Up next is a large post for Kilroy's Comics Corner. We've got plenty of Works form 1st Awesome, Nibian-Destikim, Dreatos, Nutronicsoup, and more... Or in non-artist names: Guns, Gate gaurds, Dovashy, and Rainbow Dash v. F-16

Click for Ponies!

16 October 2012

SITREP #018: The Studly Stallion Stache-Off

Have you guys prepared your upper lips yet? Well, it's time once again to exercise your right within the uniform regulations to grow a moustache during the month of Movember.

This year though, you can compete for some fancy prizes in the process!

Head on over to movember.fobequestria.com for more details!


Episode Review: Dragonshy

You may not know this... Okay, you probably do, but yours truly, Commander Firebrand has a moderately successful YouTube channel under alias "joshscorcher" A.K.A. "The Fiery Joker." And from week to week he posts episodic reviews of episodes in sequence. This week's review: "Dragonshy!" with special guest Chewie from one of our allies "The Chaos Theatre!"

I don't know why he's talking in the third person either. He says to hit the jump for the latest episode plus all links to previous ones!

15 October 2012

Interview: Tara Strong

This was a close one. Canterlot Gardens was coming to a close, and Tara had just been so busy, that it looked like the interview wasn't going to happen... and then I realized that WE ARE THE MILITARY BRONIES.

As the saying goes, I went to guns! I took action! I went directly to Tara and I... well, I turned a bit into Fluttershy and politely asked if it would, umm... if we could possibly... you know, maybe interview her after she was done signing autographs... if that was okay with her, that is.

And it worked! ~yay~

Catch the interview with the Brony Queen after the jump!

SITREP #017: It's Great to be Different!

We reported a while ago that Forest Rain, the musician that gave us "Great to be Different" wanted pictures and videos for a special project that he was to reveal at Canterlot Gardens. A few of our own submitted something.

It's a little late, but watch the result below. You won't regret it.

13 October 2012

Interview: Michelle Creber

It's that time again! MOAR INTERVIEWS! How many of you are fans of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's singing? Well then, this one's for you.

So what are you waiting for?! Go watch it now!

Catch the review after the jump!

SITREP #016: Season 3, Borderlands, AIT

Pinkie is not demonstrating proper repelling techniques. Note the lack of harness.
Quick little update for your weekend:
  1. Hub commercial for Season 3 with about 1:50 of footage from the Crystal Ponies episode.
  2. Brony Borderlands 2 class
  3. One of you just had a fun conversation at AIT  BCT with your Drill Sergent. Then someone posted it online.
See the madness below!

SITREP #015: Communication is Magic

Why is Luna so happy? I'll tell you why!

You know how we've been having those "FOB Equestria Game Night" events? We now have a TeamSpeak 3 server for all of us to chat on while doing it! Hosted by yours truly, the server has a 512 person limit.

Why so many? What's the IP? What's this "TeamSpeak" thing?

The answers to these questions after the break!

FEGN #6: Halo Reach

Orbital Drop Shock Ponies

So I haven't been able to make it to most of the game night recently due to circumstances beyond my control. However, GTR Blackhawk is willing to host this week's game night.

This time It's going to be Halo Reach

(mainly since we've had pretty good responses with it so far)

Image Source: Mackaged

More info below

12 October 2012

Interview: Grey DeLisle


Grey DeLisle, ladies and gents.

Oh, Grey DeLisle <3

Another interview for my favorite bronies out there. Who is Grey DeLisle, you ask? You say she's not part of the show? Well... you'd be right. Still doesn't change the fact that she is an awesomely talented voice actor who was attending Canterlot Gardens.

Also, she just so happens to be a friend of the Queen of the Bronies, Tara Strong. So you should probably watch this interview.

Check out the video after the jump!

11 October 2012

Songs for the Troops #018: A Final Twilight

Don't mess with him, he's got a baseball cap!
This song is called "A Final Twilight" and it's kind of farewell song from both the creator, and Twilight's perspective.

A little sad, but hopefully a new recruit is about join the ranks of military bronies everywhere. Hey, soilders, he's going to Army basic, and aiming for Special Operations. Wish him luck and maybe give him some support for his next step into his brave new world.

Click on the link below to see the YouTube, then check out his description.

SITREP #014: Lunar Transmissions 10/11/2012

Lunar Transmissions is on tonight, check out the guest list below. It includes DustyKatt and Commander Firebrand!

09 October 2012

Interview: Britt McKillip

The voice of the newest princess to grace the land of Equestria, Princess Cadence, was kind enough to take some time and speak with us. Britt McKillip is still very new to this whole "Brony" thing, but that didn't stop her!

Catch the interview after the jump! Jump in! Jump after it! Jump... okay, I'm done.

Interview: Lee Tockar

Lee Tockar may not voice any of the prominent characters in our beloved show, but why should that stop us from interviewing a veteran voice actor? He's got tons of talent! That, and he's a totally awesome, fun guy. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

Catch the video after the jump...

07 October 2012

ARTillery Inbound: #013: Are you not entertained?!

GET OVER HERE!!!.....Um, if you don't mind.by *joelashimself

... ummm ...



She is obviously wearing a glow belt underneath, and that is what is keeping her okay, that and cartoon physics. I mean really, she seems just kind of annoyed and surprised. That and Fluttershy is clearly very sorry.

And just like in real life, you've all earned enough veterancy or something to drop a MOAB of Art. So let the game focused art begin!

05 October 2012

Interview #001: Andrew WK

Despite some... technical difficulties, we are proud to bring you our first interview. So here is the totally awesome, totally fun interview with the king of partying himself! Andrew WK is great guy and we were all very grateful he took some time out of his busy schedule to sit down and talk with us. So what are you waiting for?! Go and give it a listen!

Interview video after the break!

04 October 2012

SITREP #013: Oatmeal

This is one of those moments you have to share with the internet. Also, just because I could. That is all...

Video after the break.

Message From Spangle: FOB Equestria @ Canterlot Gardens

Just a quick message from me about what to expect in the days to come! And it's in video form! I felt it was appropriate... what? Don't give me that look.

Check out the video after the break!

03 October 2012

Songs for the Troops #017: Remix War V

In case you guys all missed the recent Remix War, Neu KatalYst has compiled a properly tagged version of the Remix War V torrent, separated into 4 discs, with proper album art and track numbers chronological to the event itself. 

Check it out below and enjoy!

SITREP #012: Lunar Transmissions

The boys are back this week on Wednesday at 2130 EST/0130 GMT

Check out the info below.