18 October 2012

SITREP #019: Season 3 Announced for... Marine Corps Birthday?

Well... this is a pleasant surprise/coincidence.

Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is airing on November 10th, 2012 when 237 years ago the Marine Corps was founded in Tun Tavern, Fillydelphia. Did they do this intentionally to subtly give a shoutout to of the one of the most rising subsections of the Brony fandom? Maybe. Then again, we should hardly be surprised considering 1. We're awesome. 2. We're Tara Strong's favorite Bronies. 3. Shining Armor is in the episode and seems to be playing a game of tag with Lord Somber.

Post in the forums about your speculations! Will this season be awesome? Or will it be more awesome?