21 October 2012

SITREP #021: BlackGryp0n's Been Busy!

As the title says, BlackGryph0n, one of our fellow Military Bronies, has been rather busy doing quite a lot of pony related things. Since we've had our hands full here at the FOB with several of our own projects and events, we haven't had the time to properly promote our comrade's work!

That's what this post is for! Want to catch up on some of his latest exploits? Well then...

Catch up with BlackGryph0n after the jump!

First thing we've got is the next installment in the iconic "-licious" series: Applelicious. If you haven't seen this yet... well, you're in for a surprise. That's all you're getting from me.

Embedding disabled! Catch it here!

Next, BlackGryph0n recently release a collaborative song between him and fellow brony musician Baasik. It's called "Paper Sky" and it's just what you would expect: top quality and catchy. If you like good music, give it a listen.

Finally, BlackGryph0n took a visit to Singapore to hand out with some Bronies! While he was there, he was interviewed by Norman Sanzo, host of the MBS Show! Go listen and enjoy!

That's all we got for now! We know for a fact you can expect more from BlackGryph0n in the future, and we'll continue to cover his work! It's kinda what we do... covering the work of Military Bronies and all that cool stuff. Yeah...