13 October 2012

SITREP #015: Communication is Magic

Why is Luna so happy? I'll tell you why!

You know how we've been having those "FOB Equestria Game Night" events? We now have a TeamSpeak 3 server for all of us to chat on while doing it! Hosted by yours truly, the server has a 512 person limit.

Why so many? What's the IP? What's this "TeamSpeak" thing?

The answers to these questions after the break!

For those of you unaware, TeamSpeak 3 is a voice chat system similar to programs like Ventrilo and Skype. It's fairly popular among gaming clans, which is actually how I discovered it! Anyway, it's free to download and the client can be found here:


Q: Why not just use Skype?
A: Ha ha ha ha aha... oh, you're serious? To put it bluntly, Skype has poor voice quality, bandwidth efficiency, and is all around not that great when compared to TS or Vent. Trust me.

Q: Well then... why not use Ventrilo?
A: A matter of preference. TeamSpeak was the first programmed I used and I'm most familiar with how it works.

Next order of business: why is the maximum number of users on the server so large? Well, that would be because the Colorado Bronies will also be using this server. That, and I foresee the server getting very busy as FOB Equestria continues to increase in popularity.

Also, a big thanks goes out to the CO Bronies for allowing me to coordinate with their site to get the Non-Profit License needed to host a server this large! Some of you may be wondering:

Q: Why didn't you just register the server with FOB Equestria?
A: In order to gain a NPL, the site the server is registered under can't have any sort of ads or donations features. If you look around, you'll notice our site doesn't meet this requirement. So... it's good to have lots of friends! Networking and all that brony jazz.

THE FINAL AND MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: What's the IP? Well, one of my friends happened to tell me about this neat little site that let's you have 1 free DSN! You can connect to the server with this address:


The server will be running as close to 24/7 as I can manage. Brony communications are go!