15 October 2012

Interview: Tara Strong

This was a close one. Canterlot Gardens was coming to a close, and Tara had just been so busy, that it looked like the interview wasn't going to happen... and then I realized that WE ARE THE MILITARY BRONIES.

As the saying goes, I went to guns! I took action! I went directly to Tara and I... well, I turned a bit into Fluttershy and politely asked if it would, umm... if we could possibly... you know, maybe interview her after she was done signing autographs... if that was okay with her, that is.

And it worked! ~yay~

Catch the interview with the Brony Queen after the jump!

Did I geek-out? Yes. Did she twoll me? Here and there. Whatever, it was totally worth it! I had high expectations going into this interview. It was the one interview I NEEDED to get for me to consider Canterlot Gardens a personal success... and she blew my expectations out of the sky!