27 October 2012

SITREP #022: FOB Equestria on Radio?

What?! We haven't mentioned this yet? Who's fault is th... oh.

So... hey guys. What's up? Umm, so we are starting this whole radio show deal with the folks over at Everypony and it airs tomorrow... well, technically today. Later this morning, in fact.

Get all the information after the break!

We briefly mentioned it in last week's podcast if you tuned in, but we didn't really do anything more than that. We couldn't! I mean, we were still working out all the details!

Well, it's called Band of Bronies... yes, that IS a reference to the Band of Brothers series for those of you wondering. All the information is in the banner up top, but if you can't read that, here is all of it in blog text form!

Hosts:    Everypony and FOBEQ staff members
Time:     0900 EST
Topics:  EP/FOBEQ events, community news, occasional interviews, and more!

Yes, I know it's a bit early in the morning, but it was the best we could do with people in the US, Europe, and Australia. Think of this as a "tailgate" of sorts before the new episodes when they start airing IN TWO WEEKS!

... Sorry, got a little excited there. Anyway, now that you know, tune in and listen if you want to start your morning off with some regular and military bronies talking about ponies. Tune in and enjoy!