17 October 2012

Lunar Transmissions: 10/17/2012

Wednesday means Lunar Transmissions will be doing another podcast. It will be a panel of Brony Artists including Baminational, Pirate Dash, SophieCabra, and some inevitable discussion of Ask Pirate Dash and the BronyCon 2013 Mascot.

Click below for more info.

Greetings once again everypony, Leatherneck here.  Prime and myself survived the crate of exploding bananas and incriminating photos.  We aren't sure if SeventhElement made it or not but the satellite seems mostly alright.  Ground control is sending up an investigator to look into the matter.  This week's show however is a pony artist special and for it we have:
You can check the broadcast via the JETSTREAM tab . If you have any feedback, requests, or suggestions about who you would like to see interviewed on the show, please contact us on Twitter at @LunarTrans , like us on Facebook, or email us at lunartransmissions@themidnightrun.net
Tune in and join the live chat