30 September 2012

Mission #006: Operation Canterlot - Surveillance

We've received intelligence that you should all watch the established Canterlot Gardens surveillance feed. Especially watch the Musicians Showcase tonight.



Fan Fiction Review #016: Whip and Wing

Gratuitous action and violence? In Media Res plot? Sounds like Daring Do to me! Unfortunately for you, you must first get past the pit full of spikes, the the hanging alligators, and the page break before you may retrieve the review!

Author: Fernin
The Medallion of Light and the Medallion of Shadow are some of the most powerful yet obscure artifacts of antiquity. Created by a now-vanished cult of assassins, the two devices together give their bearer the incredible power to walk the worlds with but a single step. 
Nefarious forces are closing in on both artifacts, and very little stands in their way. Heinrich Himmler's agents covet the medallions for the greater glory of the Third Reich. Ahuizotl's simply want their master to get what's coming to him: the world, and everything in it. 
With the fate of all good people and ponies in doubt, one thing's for certain: saving two worlds would be one hell of an adventure. And if adventure has a name, it must be Daring Do… or is that Indiana Jones? 
Will our heroes win the day? Find out in... Daring Do and the Medallion of Shadow! Or, Indiana Jones and the Medallion of Light!
Time for the break!... Or was that the floor cracking?

28 September 2012

Military Bronies React To Teens


Hey, bronies, military, military bronies, non-military, non-bronies, and anypony who doesn't fit the criteria stated before! Come watch Military Bronies mercilessly tear into teenagers! Most of the staff (yours truly included) showcased themselves in here, plus we have special guest Black Gryph0n!

This is the first big production of F.O.B. Equestria, and has been in the works for a while. What better way to start the military brony community off by replying to a video that was released 8 months ago? The logic!

Hey, it's better logic than what these teenagers showed.

Video of our hard work after the jump!

25 September 2012

Fan Fiction Review #015: When Towers Fall

Before the month of September comes to a close, I figured I would do a review on this little piece of writing. For those of you who may have any concerns about this story being in bad taste, I can assure you that this is not the case.

Author: BaroqueNexus
September 11, 2001. A date hardly any of us can forget, or want to forget. So many lives were suddenly forfeit by the hand of a great evil. 
And from a far away land, a creature has come, and like so many others, she only wants to help.
Catch the review after the break!

24 September 2012

Mission #006: Operation Canterlot

Ponies have been observed in Ohio! Dispatching Recon to investigate!

More details below!

ARTillery Inbound! #012: Fast Movers Edition

Due to some beneficial changes in our Escalation of Force proceedures, we now have Fast Movers (or "animations" as the hippy peace niks like to call it) for our ARTillery Inbound Volleys.

We call it, "modernizing the arsenal for force protection".

Included will be Jets, fighters, miniguns, and racing(because I got carried away). Additionally, almost every piece has MUSIC so be advised.

Also, I've got some good intel for Canterlot Gardens at the end of the post.

22 September 2012

Songs For The Troops #016: Regret // FlutterNO

Fluttershy is still keeping an eye on that perimeter so you can enjoy some music.

You find her latest picks below.

21 September 2012

Fan Fiction Review #014: Strange Bedfellows

Hey there, kids! Tweak back once more to review some fan fiction fer ya! This is my first assigned review here at FOB Equestria. Wow, I'm being assigned to read pony fiction. My life is officially awesome.

AUTHOR:  Fernin
Princess Celestia gave very clear instructions to Twilight and her friends before sending them through the Interface to the temporary embassy on Earth: without the unanimous support of all six mares, any and all negotiations with the humans of the Confederate Gulf States will come to a screeching halt. 
Both sides have much to gain from a cordial relationship and, after a week of feverish talks, the Confederacy has brought around five of the six Equestrian ambassadors...  But there is one hold-out: Applejack.  How can the CGS' diplomatic team get Applejack to sign off on the deal? 
That's a tricky question, but by no means the hardest... The hardest is being asked by Texas Guard Corporal Robert E. L. Cargyle: why the heck do his bosses think that he is the one for the job?! 
One thing's for sure... Politics definitely makes for some strange bedfellows.
Does this story meet the standard? Find out after the jump!

SITREP #011: Lunar Transmissions

Be sure to not miss this weeks Lunar Transmissions, happening tonight at 2030 CST / 2130 EST / 0130 Z.

This week, we will have BlackGryph0n, the awesome dude who not only makes some very tight music, but also gave us the first animation of Twilightlicious and so much more! 
His sister, Aeva, will also be there.
Also, we have Seventh Element with us. One very talented mucisan who was kind enough to provide us with the very theme song we play at the start of the show!


20 September 2012

SITREP #010: P-Day -30

So, The Hub just revealed on its Facebook page that the Season 3 premiere will be announced within 30 days.

What does that mean you ask? Find out below.

Michelle Creber Wants Your Opinion

I received a tweet from Michelle Creber directed at you military bronies.

Check it out below!

A Rhyme by Rarity

It seems Rarity continues her refusal to be "licious". She therefore rhymes for us instead, seemingly unaware that "Talk-Like-Zecora-Day" was two weeks ago.

Check it out below!

19 September 2012

ARTillery Inbound! #011

And so after Rainbow Dash's discussion with the Equal Opportunity Officer, decals on planes were officially banned.

I am entirely blaming this incident on the Aircraft Maintenance guys. Clearly, the NCO's have failed in their leadership and will be required to go through mandatory PowerPoint Sensitivity Retraining.

At least it doesn't have to be removed until after we are done with the bombing runs for this next ARTillery Inbound.

Please feel free to name off all of the NJP-able offenses that occurred in this pic.

I count at least five.

Shot out!

Song's for the Troops #015 - What It Does To The Skull // Vinyl Scratch Battle Theme // Scratch

Our staff has been jammed with exams and PCS activity, so we've had a slow start to the week. Out of no where, Fluttershy offers to help us out with a few songs. She's also taking care of that perimeter so everypony can enjoy them.

You find her picks below.

16 September 2012

Fan Fiction Review #013: The Cold Hand of Mercy

Spangle: "Umm...this is a new guy, so be nice to him OK? Or don't...I'm sure he has thick enough skin being in the military, right? You know what? Forget I said anything. I'm going back to my corner now."

Author: Staeg Masque
In the prime of her life, Fluttershy is contacted by a stallion named Blanche, who comes to her as she sees a bunny she was tending to, Hector, off into the mysterious place Blanche introduces as The Ever. He tells her that she must now take on the mantle of Death in his stead, as the decision is already made and cannot be reversed. Fluttershy is forced to accept, and learns many lessons about the true nature of Kindness, in all its facets, what Death really represents, and whether being Death is truly a bad thing.
The Cold Hand of Mercy

Why isn't this titled 'The Cold Hoof of Mercy?'  Geez. Review after the break!

SITREP #009: Size of the Herd

Some smart ponies in the community has done a small census to calculate the size of the brony fandom.

Check it out below!

14 September 2012

Fan Fiction Review #012: Timelords and Terror

 Hey, everypony! I’m LT Tweak, the new guy around here. I’ll be reviewing pony fiction for you, so you know what’s cool and what’s crap.

 First, a little about me. I’m a Drill Sergeant stationed on Sand Hill here in beautiful Fort Benning, GA. Thirty miles from water, two feet from Hell, Hooah! When I’m not using the Royal Canterlot Voice on privates, I like to write pony fiction. Yes, you read that right. I’m a screaming, cussing, private-smoking Drill that spends his free time writing about pastel-colored talking ponies. Laugh, and I’ll “Front, Back, Go” you until your heart explodes. I’ll start with one of my favorite stories in the fandom, Timelords and Terror, by my favorite Greek god turned pony fic writer, Hephestus.

Author: Hephestus
A series of unexplainable events get Twilight's mane in a twist. Suddenly she finds herself and her friends embroiled in a pan-dimensional conflict between two ancient races, one of which is planning to unleash an unspeakable horror from the Void in a desperate bid to conquer the multi-verse. The only hope for Equestria and the whole of creation seem to lie on the shoulders of a mysterious stallion and his impossible blue box.
Timelords and Terror
Alt. Link

Now, since I’m a Drill Sergeant, I like things neat and organized. So, I’ll break down the review into four sections: Story, Characters, Style and Grammar, and Overall Awesomeness. So, let’s get to it!

13 September 2012

Songs for the Troops #014 - Avast Octavia's Plot (QuietDuck's Fix) // Colgate Brushie Song (DitzyRhythm's Fix) // Pipsqueak's Thunder Plunder (JackTHebert's Fix)

The war is not over yet! I said there might be 3 parts, and here we are...this time with some music by slightly less known Brony musicians. Sure, these guys might not be mane-stream Brony names like Jackle App, MandoPony, ArtAttack, Omnipony, or the many others, but I got to say: I like their music!

The war rages on after the break!

12 September 2012

SITREP: Midnight Run & Lunar Transmissions

Midnight Run
Lunar Transmissions

Just to let you all know, the good folks at Midnight Run have been kind enough to give FOB Equestria our own private channel for their MLP:FiM related streams (they have pre-shows and everything)!

Also, one of our own: Leatherneck Brony has his own gig with Lunar Transmissions for you to check out.

Lunar Transmissions starts tonight at 1830 EST (2330 GMT)

Songs for the Troops #013 - Octavia's Overture (Forest Rain's Fix) // Lost on the Moon (Twitch's Fix) // Still Shy (VIP) (Ozzwald's Fix)

The war continues! Er...at least our highlights of some of the great music does! We got another 3 songs for you just like last time! LET THE FIXING CONTINUE.

...after the break.

11 September 2012

In Memoriam: Sept. 11, 2012

We didn't. We won't.
Source: Contrail09

Click more for our tribute.

SITREP #007: BlackGryph0n's New Remix!

BlackGryph0n has a new remix...and it's SO. AWESOME. /)^3^(\

Sure, it's a song that has been remixed several times over, but how could we not feature a song by one of our fellow Military Bronies? Especially when it's such a great remix! Go get your 'WUB WUBS' for the night...day...er, whenever you see this post and give it a listen!

Check the remix after the break!

ARTillery Inbound: #010

Pinkie Pie Tank Busterby ~Rex42

This is what it looks like when Death smiles...

I don't know what the enemy did to cause this, but Pinkie Pie has decided to clear it all up with a few thousand 30mm depleted uranium canon rounds.

Don't run, you'll just die tired.

On the other side, we can celebrate another glorious ARTillery Inbound!

10 September 2012

Killroy's Comics Corner: 003: 1st AP

... and you thought GySgt Emery wasn't impressed with what the recruiter's sent him!

Due to complaints filed by your parents towards your local congressman, the United States Marine Corps has adopted a softer and more nuanced approach by having Fluttershy as the new Kill Hat in your platoon. Which in reality is probably more terrifing than intended...

Or I made all of that up, and it's time for another Killroy's Comic's Corner featuring 1st Awesome Platoon!

They've got two more comics after the break!

08 September 2012

Songs for the Troops #012 - Shoot The Messenger (RW5) // Cerulean Blue (UnderpΩny Remix) // The Beginning of Order (Flaedr Remix)

More music time! REMIX WAR V EDITION!

I have to say, I'm rather surprised at how many good remixes have come out of this...friendly competition. For those of you not aware, the premise of this RW was "fixing" music....All in good fun, of course!

If you thought the originals were good, go check out these totally awesome "fixes" after the break!

07 September 2012

A message from Rarity

Apparently the element of generosity has a message.

Check it out below!

FEGN: #004 L4D2

This week's FOB Equestria Game Night:

Left 4 Dead 2!

Source of Art by LightDasher

05 September 2012

Lunar Transmissions Tonight!

One of our FOB members, Leatherneck, hosts a postcast over at The Midnight Run called Lunar Transmissions. Tonight he is joined by Foal Papers, PaleoSteno and Saberspark. All of them big names in the community.

This is something you should all get in on! Tune in tonight at 21:30 EST / 01:30Z.



04 September 2012

Mission #005: BUCK Debrief part 3: The Report.

It's a bit late, but I've been quite busy doing all kinds of things. Here's the low-down of what happened at BUCK 2012.

Check it out after the break!

Forest Rain Needs Pictures

Art by  Aklimovich
Brony musician ForestRain recently released a song called Great to be Different. He's doing a small project related to it that he is going to reveal at Canterlot Gardens in a few weeks (P.S. We're gonna be there too).

I quote his video on youtube:
"I want anyone who was touched by the song to send me any of these things:

1.) A picture of yourself that shows off how you're different.
2.) A picture of yourself with ponies.
3.) A drawing or painting of your OC doing something crazy or different.
4.) A video of yourself explaining how you're different, or singing along to the song.
5.) Or, if all else fails, a picture of yourself holding your hands out like this, as well as a picture of your OC."
Send it to sendforeststuff@gmail.com

Check out his song below!

Songs for the Troops #011 - Deae Lunae // Trixie Deos // Octavia's Prelude

What's up my military bronies!? I figured I would entertain you all with some of my vast knowledge of the brony music that our community has put out there. This time, let's take a break from the usual 'WUB WUBS' and enjoy some orchestral style music. While I love to hear that bass drop, I can still appreciate the more classical sounds of an orchestral piece.

Treat your ears to the musical melodies after the break!

01 September 2012

SITREP #006: The Duffleblog and Military Bronies

Source for Satire

Well that escalated quickly...

The Satirical Military News site: The Duffelblog did a post, actually citing us!

Click the page break for more.

SITREP: #005 - Brinkles' farewell!

This may or may not be an accurate depiction. Source is on lower right hand corner

One of our founding staff member's Brinkle's McGee has had to resign his position citing work load.

Please give him a thank you for serving us.