04 September 2012

Forest Rain Needs Pictures

Art by  Aklimovich
Brony musician ForestRain recently released a song called Great to be Different. He's doing a small project related to it that he is going to reveal at Canterlot Gardens in a few weeks (P.S. We're gonna be there too).

I quote his video on youtube:
"I want anyone who was touched by the song to send me any of these things:

1.) A picture of yourself that shows off how you're different.
2.) A picture of yourself with ponies.
3.) A drawing or painting of your OC doing something crazy or different.
4.) A video of yourself explaining how you're different, or singing along to the song.
5.) Or, if all else fails, a picture of yourself holding your hands out like this, as well as a picture of your OC."
Send it to sendforeststuff@gmail.com

Check out his song below!