01 September 2012

SITREP #006: The Duffleblog and Military Bronies

Source for Satire

Well that escalated quickly...

The Satirical Military News site: The Duffelblog did a post, actually citing us!

Click the page break for more.

We do appreciate getting noticed, although their final sentence is kind of a low blow.

"The leaders of FOB Equestria have praised the DOD for it’s support of their alternative lifestyle as they seek to make the armed forces a safe place for child mole….. bronies."

Thanks for keeping it classy, guys!

However, if your reaction to their article is this:

Remember this:

"The content of this site is parody. No composition should be regarded as truthful, and no reference of an individual, company, or military unit seeks to inflict malice or emotional harm.
All characters, groups, and military units appearing in these works are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual military units and companies is purely coincidental."

If your jimmies remain rustled, I will fix the quote:

"The leaders of FOB Equestria have praised ...bronies.

There, I fixed it!

See their Twitter: @theduffelblog on Twitter
Check out their Facebook: duffelblog on Facebook

By the way, if you came here after Googling us from The Duffelblog website to find out about us, click HERE to see our introduction to you. Yes, it's safe for work.