11 September 2012

SITREP #007: BlackGryph0n's New Remix!

BlackGryph0n has a new remix...and it's SO. AWESOME. /)^3^(\

Sure, it's a song that has been remixed several times over, but how could we not feature a song by one of our fellow Military Bronies? Especially when it's such a great remix! Go get your 'WUB WUBS' for the night...day...er, whenever you see this post and give it a listen!

Check the remix after the break!

At The Gala - BlackGryph0n Remix (Dash is Dreaming)

Dash's "I've Been Dreaming" solo is probably one of my favorite musical pieces from the show! GO! GO DREAM LIKE RAINBOW DASH! ENOUGH WAITING! THE TIME IS NOW!