22 July 2012

Fan Fiction Review #003: Anthropology

Spangle here! I present to you Anthropology! This has been a story I've been following ever since it first showed up on EQD. Guess what? The final chapter just came out! REVIEW TIME!

Author: JasonTheHuman
Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale? 
No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process."

Catch the review after the break! SPOILER FREE!

If this is a story you never picked up or you're one of those people who like to wait until a story is finished before you read it, well then...time you start reading. This story got a 6-Star rating on Equestria Daily, that's just how good it is!

Now before I really begin, let me just say that if you're looking for a story with some military elements, this isn't it. What? I told you I wasn't going to limit myself to just stories with military themes...there's far too little of those! You got a problem with that? Write/find some and send them to me!

Continuing on, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the directions this story took. Very rarely did things usually pan out the way I thought they would. I've got to give credit to the author for creating a well-written story that avoided being predictable. For me, predictability = boring.

In case you failed to gather this, the story focuses on Lyra, whose given name is Heartstrings. Yeah, she didn't like that so she changed her name. Deal with it. Anyway, she is positively obsessed with humans. She thinks that we are the best things ever! We can be pretty awesome....So yeah, the story follows Lyra's pursuit of knowledge about humans. That's I can really say without giving anything away. Sorry guys!

On to more non-spoiler review-ish things, the story brings in characters and events from the show. My impressions? They stayed within their established canon personalities very well, and that's a huge plus for me. One thing I really appreciate in a good fic is the ability of the writer to keep the characters true to themselves. This fic was also mostly true to the established canon universe of MLP. Such events like Hearth's Warming Eve were brought into the mix and I rather liked the fact that this was still, more or less, the same Equestria we have grown to love.

Now, if you're worried that this fic might be a bit slow paced for you, let me just say I don't think that's all too likely. There were two times when I finally thought I knew where it was going, then BAM! Something happened that completely blew my expectations out of the water! No matter what your expectations, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy what you get.

If you've got the time, pick this up. That's it. End of story. It is EPIC. Rating thingies below. Also, if it isn't military themed, then I'm not using the "Relatatability" category. Deal with it.

Originality:5 out of 5 rounds.
Composition:5 out of 5 rounds.
Characters:5 out of 5 rounds.
Imagery:5 out of 5 rounds.
Plot: 5 out of 5 rounds.

Overall:5 out of 5 rounds.
(Rating System Guide)


Send any fanfiction review requests to fobequestria@gmail.com