31 May 2013

Fan Fiction Review #040: Fallout Equestria

Oh I can hear it now: "Beef how can you expect to review the greatest fic ever penned to MS word?"

Author: Kkat
Fallout. With ponies! Set in an alternate future, one pony must learn to survive in a blasted, poisoned land... and possibly, with the aid of friends made along the way, bring new light into the darkness of post-apocalyptic Equestria.
Ok, settle down, yes this fic is good... but I always love trying to make authors cry. En Guarde.

FEGN #022 : Dust 514 (PS3)

Gaming Luna is best Princess

Alright everyone this weekend's gaming night is going to be Dust 514 on the PS3 more info to follow the break

30 May 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #014 (and #013)

Yet another podcast... or rather, TWO podcasts! Yes, last week's podcast didn't get a post so we're throwing it in this week's! Is that lazy? I don't think it's lazy.

Oh right, there was a podcast last week if you were previously unaware. Miche hosted it while I took care of some... things.

Anywhatsit, TIME TO JUMP!

Songs for the Troops #021: To go along with PONY: Legacy

So, our friend Brix made a sound track for you guys to take a look at if you want to read the story "PONY: Legacy"  anytime soon.

Additionally he made a song for the fanfic "Blood and Guts and Ponies". All are included after the page break

27 May 2013

Memorial Day: 2013

The cartoon is not supposed to be funny.

It is Memorial Day in the United States, and it is time to honor our fallen.

I will go over some important things you might want to know about Memorial Day, and answering a few questions if you have any.

25 May 2013

Op-Ed: Saunter Hoof on Woolwitch

Mr. Rigby of the Royal Fusiliers and his wife Rebecca

My two cents on the whole incident below.

Warning: It is a bit of a downer.

24 May 2013

FEGN: #021 Halo 4

Because Halo and Rarity just seem to work (At least for me)

This week gaming night is taking place on the Xbox 360 with the game being Halo 4. Contact and time info after the break

23 May 2013

Fan Fiction Review #039: The Strings that Make No Sound

Whenever I see something tagged as 'sad', I usually just avoid it. Seriously. As an Airman in his early twenties, I like few things better than a good shoot-em-up or epic adventure. When I see another sad-tagged Octavia story, I brace myself for something typical. I guess that's why it is important to remember not to judge a fic by its cover.

Author: ChaoticHarmony
   When we lose all of what makes our world be special, how can we even bear to keep going in life?  How does one even begin to start coping with such a thing?  One cellist, called Octavia by those who knew her, does just this.  She throws the cruel destiny that the harsh fates had bestowed upon her aside and stands proudly upon the stage of the world to play her instrument, her life, louder than any other. 
She plays on the strings that make no sound.
Catch the review after the break.

22 May 2013

ARTillery Inbound #020: Airsoftplayer1234

His worktable at base....by ~Aisoftplayer1234

So I thought I would entertain you all with some work that Airsoftplayer1234 has done about soldiers and ponies, for a bit of an early ARTillery post this week.

You should note that most of the pics here are scaled down and the source contains image resolutions which could be easily converted to wallpaper. Also, most of these images have VERY few views, and just about no comments, so go tell him nice things on his DA page so you can be awarded brownie points and friendchips.

mmmmmmmm... friendchips.... ugggghhhhhhhhggggggghhhhhh.......

20 May 2013

SITREP: #042: Buck Cancer

Remember Kiki? Of course you do. But do you remember that Military Brony Musicians are trying to drum up money to constructing a charity album with all of the fandoms best known artists?

Yeah, I know, you weren't paying attention... Well, pay attention now.

19 May 2013

ARTillery Inbound #019

I love how Trixie is all like, "Yay! I'm on fire!"

Mlp FlutterPilotby ~MyLittleDasssh

Prepare for close air support for this weeks ARTillery!

Fluttershy is just the sweetest bomber in the allied Airforce.

18 May 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #012

Hey, look at that! The post is finally here! If you follow our YouTube channel, you know this has been uploaded since early this week, but better late than never.

So what are you waiting for? Catch the podcast after the jump!

16 May 2013

Fan Fiction Review #038: Gold Star

Hey everybrony! Yes, I just used that term... Anyway, remember when I was actually alive? Me neither, but I'm back! This time I have yet another story submitted to us with a military slant to it. This one was actually sent in to us by the founder/administrator of the Pony Fiction Vault, so it can be reasonably expected to have a certain level of quality, but how good can it really be?

Author: Mindblower
Mom says that families who work really hard get to put a gold star on the inside of their windows.
Perhaps I should have given this one to Tweak or Dizzy... NAH! We've entered the jump zone. Green-light! Go! Go! Go!

FEGN #020: Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PC)

My Little Pony Star Warsby *Raikoh-illust

No one is surprised by Celestia being a Jedi.

This week's game night is on Saturday at 1900 Zulu Time. (GMT)

The details follow below:

12 May 2013



By Silvermane

   Those of us who have served in the military in the past, and those of us who are currently serving, know well the sacrifices that are asked of us. We often work long hours in dangerous conditions,  many times with little recognition. When we do receive awards and decorations, often bought through blood and strife, we therefore treasure them all the more.

   So it is upsetting and repugnant to us when we hear of someone wearing awards and decorations which they have not earned. This essay will explore some aspects of Stolen Valor, from a personal as well as a legal standpoint. We'll begin right after the break.

09 May 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #011

That time of the week again: podcast time! If you follow our YouTube channel, you know this one's been uploaded since late Sunday night/early Monday morning, but better late than never!

The 11th installment of our surprisingly actually weekly podcast included only 4 of the regular cast, as shown above, but that certainly didn't stop us from having plenty to say!

What did we talk about? Get ready to jump and find out!

07 May 2013

Hip-Pocket Classes: #001 Chemicological Weapons

As current events unfold around the world, you all might be confused by some of the things you hear. Sometimes it's from a lack of proper information, sometimes it's from  the rumor mill, and sometimes it's blatant misinformation. That's why the FOB is going to do hip pocket classes to give you some point of reference for these issues.

Now do remember, that we don't, and can't speak for our respective militaries, but we can give you background information, that might be able to give you the chance to make a more informed decision about believing what you hear.

Lets start with something easy... Chemical Weapons with Vapor Blaze!

05 May 2013

SITREP: #041: Acquisitions

We here at R&D Department at FOB Equestria have been working very hard to use lots of your budget to develop high technology solutions to your pony problems.  Soldiers downrange have been asking us for a long time now if we could 'cute-proof' their sunglasses, so that we wouldn't lose so many of our boys to heart-attacks. This is a little sample of what we've got so far.

So you will you finally get your *squee* sonic grenades or your M72 D'AW Launcher?  Find out after the break.

04 May 2013

ARTillery Inbound #018


CPT Armor Class Aby ~MyMiniatureEquine

We all have this picture on a wall somewhere at our house (or our parents house), and just like Shiny, I wasn't wearing any pants either when they took my picture.

...   ....  awkward silence... ... HAVE SOME ARTillery!

03 May 2013

FOBEQ Newsletter: #001

Hello everypony, Silvermane here with an experiment on a new newsletter format! I like the looks of it, but there are still a few bugs in the system, which require me to post this as a PDF document on Google Docs. So if you want to see the rest, check out the link after the page break

02 May 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #010

Another week, another podcast! There wasn't one last week, you say? Well, there's a reason for that... not a good one, but a reason nonetheless. I'll just say "technical difficulties" and leave it at that. The good news is that this week's went off without a hitch!

This week's cast  included Firebrand, Navron, Miche, and Tweak. I was obviously there, too, but that goes without saying. I am the kind of the host of the this thing.

Well, what are you waiting for? It's time to jump!