20 May 2013

SITREP: #042: Buck Cancer

Remember Kiki? Of course you do. But do you remember that Military Brony Musicians are trying to drum up money to constructing a charity album with all of the fandoms best known artists?

Yeah, I know, you weren't paying attention... Well, pay attention now.

So here's the deal gents, the albums at the 99 yard line but, well, darn those attorneys and CD manufacturers, they just wont do stuff without money. It's like they have this whole "payment for services rendered" thing going on or something.

So everything's ready to go, but the money. In order to raise money for Kiki's Charity, we have to spend money on creating the album. Yes, the goal is $10,000 but that's the final price and the creators are putting a lot of their own money in too. Any amount of money that you put into the creation of the album will seriously help. Plus, you will get lots of awesome music for a good cause to be created.

Go here to throw money at them:

For Kiki!