Another week, another podcast! There wasn't one last week, you say? Well, there's a reason for that... not a good one, but a reason nonetheless. I'll just say "technical difficulties" and leave it at that. The good news is that this week's went off without a hitch!
This week's cast included Firebrand, Navron, Miche, and Tweak. I was obviously there, too, but that goes without saying. I am the kind of the host of the this thing.
Well, what are you waiting for? It's time to jump!
The topics on this week's podcast ranged from discussions on copyright's impact on the community to jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. Good times were had by all. Tune in and grab some snacks as we do our best to entertain you for the next hour!
If there's something you think we should discuss during our mostly weekly podcast, email us at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is usually scheduled recorded Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly. A post like this one will be made shortly after. Blue skies and...