11 June 2013

GTR's Gaming Corner #001: XboxOne Games @ E3

Is this good stuff or what!

Alright guys as you may or may not know E3 (Electronics Entertainment Expo) is going on right now. Some of you might have been tuning in. But if you missed it I am here to give a recap of what went down on day one following the break.

     Well Microsoft opened so I might as well start with them. Games, games, and more games. I know back in April everyone was upset at the press release of the Xbox One. But here at E3 it was all gaming business. I am only going to be writing about exclusives in each console section to avoid confusion, afterward I will follow up with multiplatform games.
     Alright so Forza 5. I'm guessing that a few of you guys are actually into racing sims. I myself am looking forward to this. The graphics look outstanding but this is next gen we are talking about here. The one unique thing I noticed about Forza is your Driver avatar (Drivatar). The game learns how you play and in turn you can have this AI player of yourself take part on online matches. Obviously some of you guys that have never sat down and raced a endurance race taking several hours don't see the point in that but I do and I am looking forward to see how it is incorporated into live.

  • Next up is Quantum Break. Pretty neat idea. I'm always up for new things in video games. Stopping time might not be a new idea to say but how the game is being played looks pretty neat. 
  • Ryse is looking like a great game. Roman era and Crytek count me in. 
  • Perhaps the most surprising game and one that has me very very interested in is Titanfall. Think CoD and Hawken got together and had a kid. I am glad the mech idea hasn't died just yet. 
  • For you guys that love minecraft it has been confirmed for the One. Sunset Overdrive seems like an over the top zombie game. Some what like Lollipop chainsaw just with multiplayer aspects. 
  • Killer Instinct. Wow blast from the past. 
  • LocoCycle a bit odd but hey motorcycles. I do feel bad for the Crimson Dragon guys but it seems everyone had some sort of issues today. 
  • Obviously Master Chief made an appearance but even I knew there was no way 343 could pull off a release date game. 
  • As far as games go the one that impressed me the most was Project Spark. If that game plays how they showed then that will probably be one of the first games I purchase for the One. 
  • Well that about wraps it up for the Microsoft end I will be reviewing and writing the PS4 post soon.

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