15 June 2013

Convention News: Running of the Leaves Convention


Attention Colorado bronies, or "CoBros" as some of you are called! There's a convention being organized in your state! Running of the Leaves Convention, or RotLCon for short, is being held in the Denver area late this fall and is looking for pre-registration now!

More details after the jump!

For those of you wondering if this IS a sure thing, the answer is "Yes". The venue has been completely reserved and paid for, and while many of the finer details are still being planned, you can still go over to their WEBSITE and get all the info so far!

Welcome to the Ramada Plaza Denver North at the Ramada Plaza Northglenn/Denver North in Denver/Northglenn, Colorado

Right now, registrations are open for a lower price than what you would pay at the door and hotel rooms are still open for reservation, but that may change as the convention draws closer. Those organizing this event are looking to get some show talent involved (I am not at liberty to say who has been contacted just yet), but the primary focus is going to be on the community itself. If you want a comparison to a previous convention, think Cloudsdale Congress in the DC area.

This is going to be a convention for bronies, by bronies, celebrating the eccentric and high-spirited community that has developed around what many of us call our favorite show: My Little Pony: Friendship is MagicAll the information is there for you to check out, but if you happen to have any questions about the convention itself, you can head of over to their FAQs page and even submit a question to be answered.

Spin that Vinyl By ~M99moron

That being said, whether you're a brony or not, come join us for fun, dancing, partying, ponies, ninjas, pirates, samurais and did I mention the fun? FUN!

Be sure to check out the convention's TWITTER and FACEBOOK pages for more frequent updates are details are finalized!

ONE LAST THING: There will be a KICKSTARTER to help raise funds for this convention sometime in the near future. When this has been set up, there will be a post about it here on FOB Equestria. Initially, this will go towards repaying those who put their hard earned cash into making this convention a reality so far. Any extra money raised will go towards the charity selected for the auction.

Stay tuned to FOB Equestria as we bring you updates on this convention as more details are finalized!