18 June 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #015

How's it going, Military Bronies? If you follow our YouTube channel, you know that this podcast has been out there for a bit of time already, but we've just havent gotten around to making a post about it. Time to cut back on the slack and get them to you! More is incoming as well.

Green light! Time to jump!

Well, what can I say? This has been on our YouTube Channel for quite a while, life's just been busy. Better late than never, huh? Special thanks to Kingharald for giving me a need motivation boost and to the USAF for giving me a bit of a break in the action.

Typical shenanigans ensue in our podcast as we take a bit more of a fan fiction focused approach in this episode. I also stick my foot in my mouth big time, but I mean, really, that's nothing new or unexpected.

MP3: FOB Equestria Podcast #15


If there's something you think we should discuss during our weekly podcast, send us an email at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is usually scheduled to record Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly after. A post like this one will be made as soon as time permits. As always: