20 June 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #017

Kingherald: Our latest podcast, delivered to you by Derpy Hooves Mail Service; sometimes it get's there on time.

Spangle: Thanks again, commander, but I'll take it from here. Yep, not quite as late this week, and I promise you all that I've got this sorted out... mostly. So, yeah! Podcast! Let's do this.

Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door! Jump right out and count to four!

Everyone with me? Those 'chutes open nice and wide? Good. Remember, you've got a reserve in case the first don't work. Anyway, better grab a snack or something, because this podcast is just about 2 hours long. Yeah, you read that right. It wasn't intentional, it just kinda... happened.

So, we start off talking about a few things going on with the FOB in general, but then get into a very lengthy discussion about video games. Why video games? Because E3, that's why.

MP3: FOB Equestria Podcast #17



If there's something you think we should discuss during our weekly podcast, send us an email at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is usually scheduled to record Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly after. A post like this one will be made as soon as time permits. As always: