Attention bronies: We have another interview! This time, it's our very own Silvermane. This is the same interview from episode 8 of our podcast, so if you listened to that then you've already heard it.
If not, you're probably wondering why we interviewed him. Allow me to educate you: he's an E-8 in the US Air Force who has served in the military longer than I've been alive.
Get the lead out and get ready to jump!
I've already given you a little bit of background on our seasoned military-man, but I'll inform you a little more. Although he is currently in the Air Force, he originally joined the Army, made it to E-6, crossed into the blue where they made him an E-5, rose through the ranks to E-8 and is hoping to make Chief in the next few years.
He has 26 years of service on his record, and since I'm 23, you now get what I meant earlier. We're glad to have him as a part of FOB Equestria and this fandom! He was with us at Las Pegasus Unicon when it all went down, and although it was his first brony convention, he isn't a stranger to conventions as a whole.
Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. Give the interview a listen and get the whole story!
Rest assured we will continue to strive to bring you more interviews in the future as opportunities make themselves available, whether that be with notable bronies or members of the show we hold so dear. If you want to stay in the know, be sure to check back regularly!