21 February 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #006

Bronies of the FOB, we're back with the Podcast! I know it's been a while, but personal and military situations have had most of us on the staff quite busy. If you think this means I'm back in full force... you may be right! You know what that means? MOAR PODCASTS!

Catch our return after the jump!

20 February 2013

Author Interview Dispatch #001

Bronies of the FOB! How's it going? I hope you're well, and if not, I hope things get better, but enough small talk. Thanks to RBDash47, we have some fanfic author interviews inbound to your location! Catch'em after the jump!

19 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review # 036: And Then Twilight Was a Marine


Author: totallynotabrony
This is where volunteering for things gets you.
Ante up, Hasbro.

09 February 2013

P-Day: Games Ponies Play

jkavnaibdicnasbdfaciuavsdPONIES. Quick! Before they--oh hey guys. Um, no. We didn't forget to make a post about the new episode. Not at all. Nope. Those random letters? Totally not me panicking. That was... my keyboard spontaneously short-circuiting. Yeah, that's it.

Ponies inbound to your location! This week, it's Game of Ponies The Pony Games Games Ponies Play.

The episode airs 0730 PST / 1030 EST / 1530 GMT / 2000 AFG / 0030 KST

Head on over to our FOB MWR and watch it stream live!


08 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review #035: Aces High

I think we all agreed Lightning Dust got what was coming to her, but I'm pretty sure we all wanted to know what happened to that hotshot.  This is a take on what went down in the locker room afterwords.

Author: Shadow_Wolf (check link)
The events of the Wonderbolt Academy have played out and Rainbow Dash is in the stretch to achieving her dream but still has a hard time getting a certain erstwhile friend out of her mind. After taking a few minutes to contemplate things, she decides that she's been given enough second chances in her life to see to it that somepony else gets one as well.
Your boss is tapping her hoof and waiting to give you a stern lecture after the break.

06 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review #034: The Immortal Game


Author: AestheticB
Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a powerful King and his dark Queen. Immortal and ignorant, their end came at the hooves of their daughters, Celestia and Luna, who sought to build a better future for ponykind.
Now ponykind’s old gods have returned.
Twilight Sparkle is trapped inside her own mind, slave to a cruel and impulsive consciousness built from everything she is not. Powerless and voiceless, she must find a way to stop the being that calls itself Nihilus from destroying everything she holds dear.
Luna is tasked with assembling the remaining Elements of Harmony in hopes of freeing their leader. For if ponykind is to have any hope, it is in Twilight Sparkle. And if Twilight Sparkle is to have any hope, it is in her five friends.
Facing her father in mortal combat, Celestia must do everything she can to ensure that ponykind has the tools to survive before she falls. With inevitable defeat bearing down upon her, she makes the first move in the oldest and deadliest game known to creation.
Will the Drill Sergeant be able to contain his Command Hand of Fury long enough to give this fic its due? Find out after the jump!

05 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review #033: Something To Remember Me By

Something to remember who by?

Author: ChaoticHarmony
Everything must end eventually. Ponies will drift apart as they grow, each of them pulled down a separate path of life. For some, it's a paved road lined with bright lights and jeweled sunshine. For others, it is merely a simple trail with only the light of the stars, sun, and moon to guide them.
Yeah, this is going to hurt.....