05 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review #033: Something To Remember Me By

Something to remember who by?

Author: ChaoticHarmony
Everything must end eventually. Ponies will drift apart as they grow, each of them pulled down a separate path of life. For some, it's a paved road lined with bright lights and jeweled sunshine. For others, it is merely a simple trail with only the light of the stars, sun, and moon to guide them.
Yeah, this is going to hurt.....

Something To Remember Me By   (Word Count: 7,255)

So all the mane six move away from Ponyville one by one, leaving Fluttershy alone. How is this bad? How about the way where EVERYTHING she looks at brings back anywhere from one word to two paragraphs of introspection. It felt like I was playing Mass Effect again, filling my codex with bull every time I so much as glanced at the Citadel.

There is no character development, there is hardly any dialogue, there is no real reason to actually get behind Fluttershy. So she is all alone and sad, she denies it all to her pets, and eventually the story ends. She does not get over it; she does not solve it.

It. Just. Ends.

You may ask, "So there's an epilogue. That must make sense of things... right?" BUCK NO, it just makes things worse! Part one of the epilogue actually has potential. It's still poorly written, but it actually involves a conflict... wait, that's just it: the entire story has only one decent conflict. So blah blah Fluttershy gets invited to the Gala. Who cares? I really just want this to be over, and how does it end? Well turns out the Gala invite was to get the mane six back together... who ever came up with that amazing idea? All jokes aside which pony decides to blow off their friends, because they are too important? How about the very pony who said "I'd never leave my friends hangin'." If I were reading this of my own free will I would have dropped it right there.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Once their party's over, in which Dash never shows, Fluttershy is crying on the roof, and suddenly a wild Rainbow appears! Blah blah blah useless dialogue, Dash apologizing when suddenly... Rainbowshy. Yeah it ends with Dash kissing Shy... I lost it right there, if it were not for my dedication to y'all i would have flipped my computer and ran off in a manner of:

See what I go through for all of you?

Make me forget...
Stay dizzy, my friends.