21 February 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #006

Bronies of the FOB, we're back with the Podcast! I know it's been a while, but personal and military situations have had most of us on the staff quite busy. If you think this means I'm back in full force... you may be right! You know what that means? MOAR PODCASTS!

Catch our return after the jump!

This week's Podcast covers mostly news and updates on what's going on behind the scenes of the FOB as well as an interview with Tweak, aka Jake The Army Guy and the author of Under a Luminous Sky.

It's available in both MP3 download as well as video on YouTube!


Tune in about a week from now to for the breakdown of our Las Pegasus Unicon experience as well as be on the lookout in the next 10 days for an upload of the 2.5-hour long lost episode of the FOB Equestria Podcast!