19 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review # 036: And Then Twilight Was a Marine


Author: totallynotabrony
This is where volunteering for things gets you.
Ante up, Hasbro.

And Then Twilight Was a Marine   (Word Count: 2,109)

I will be honest, I don't know how to start this one. While stories like Not In My Air Force You Don't and George Bush Invades Equestria are stupid and hilarious, this one lets me down. Sure, knowing that a male Marine is turned into a purple unicorn pony is quite a new idea and ripe with all manner of wonderful conflicts that could be great! Especially considering that the human and Twilight shift places unexpectedly.  Just think, the middle of combat, and suddenly Twilight is holding a rifle, about to kill someone.

But potential is about all this has, sure there are a few chuckles here and there, but where all conflict could have been, we are just left with a squad of Marines getting drunk on a long weekend. During the SINGLE OUTING DESCRIBED Twilight gets drunk, and agrees to get a brand over her cutie mark. During which she wakes up back in Equestria. Follow this with a wise crack about Twilight trying to study "Marine biology" and the story ends. The potential is there, the writing ability is there, the good characters ripe for adding content is there, the plot device for describing how, and who every character is, is there. Yet I am left with a drunken outing with a pony. Maybe this would be better to a Marine, as I am Air Force, or maybe someone with a sense of humor more apt to these kinds of stories finds it hilarious, but I was let down.

Bottom line, a forgettable little one shot, full of potential, leaving me wanting something ANYTHING worth reading. Should you read it? If you are a Marine with many little drunken stories or a fan of such, sure. As for me? BACK TO PROJECT HORIZONS... AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

Just rather Boooring 

Spangle: Well, I liked it...
Dizzy: Well, it's not your review.
Spangle: ... Touché.

Stay Dizzy my friends.