13 January 2013

SITREP: #032: Bronies Disembark

NAVRON (Navy Brony)
Important news about Navron (Navy Brony) and BlackGryph0n! One is getting deployed, and one is getting out!

First off: Navy Brony, our PAO guy is off on deployment to SAVE THE WORLD. Or possibly get more pictures of himself that will be shown in every conceivable corner of the web...

We are giving him a bit of a tribute to mark the beginning of his time away.

Also, Black Gryph0n has a special announcement!

Black is leaving the military!... In October... but it's still important!

His journal:

His tweet:

And, what he decided to sing to you:

I suggest starting a petition to make him sing "The EAS Song."

As for our friend Navron:
He is going off to be a Crew Chief for a MH-60S somewhere in the Arabian Sea for a while. So lets recap what he's done as a brony so far: 

Gee, I wonder where we should start... OH YEAH:

Man, who the hell saw the fallout of this happening?

Check out what he does when not being awesome: (oh that's right, he's always awesome)

Good luck Navy!
God Speed!