24 January 2013

MWR: #004 Demotivational!

I believe you could call it, a Rarity!

A little birdy told me that some of yall were looking to possibly tone down the motivation. Normally I would say never! But at this FOB our commander is LCpl and we surrounded by ponies.

Time to get a low-reg.


Seriously. THIS.

A quick explanation to the civvies who see this, and why you don't make an EOD tech watch "Hurtlocker"

Speaking of movies:

No junior service members were harmed in the making of this image, except for his pride...

Also known as the P-127 Mk. 4. TAM# P3114, NSN: 814-2465-5556-238

She wants to be honor grad

someone's getting a fake bayonet to the face at the end of this. PLACE YOUR BETS


This is clearly a data guy.

That looks like BlackGryph0n's car!

Actually, it was customs.

I remember when one of my flights were delayed because the Airline had to bribe someone for clearance... True Story.