23 January 2013

Kilroy's Comic's Corner #007: Derpy's Date

A new comic approaches!

This one is actually a quick spin-off of the author's ongoing comic: "Dr. Whooves: Elder" Series. His spin off is called "Derpy's Date". He's had to take a 3 month long break since he is attending boot camp. All in all, this comic is pretty fun, and you can also check out all of his previous work with "Dr. Whooves: Elder" at his deviant art:

by ~ShwiggityShwah

For safeness of work: There is a single pony kiss and a little black dress. PG-13, at worst.

Regardless, the comic is featured below!

Hop you enjoyed the read, don't forget to comment to his journal or the last page of the comic!

by ~ShwiggityShwah

and wish him: SEMPER FILLY!