05 December 2013

Musical Critique #003 - Run, Shoot, Kill... and Cry (By The Living Tombstone)

Hehehe... Really Commander?... You want me to eh... Review a Tombstone song?... Oh boy... Well, here we go, let me get my Kevlar first. Alright, lets just get this over with.

Ok, let me just get this out in the open. I enjoy Tombstone's music, not all of it, but he is a very talented musician! However there are some flaws, and we are going to explore these today. I should also probably mention that this song is over six months old and the faults given have probably been seen to.


Anyway. The song centers around the character 'Blackjack' from Fallout: Equestria, a popular fan fiction novel written by Kkat, I will try my utmost to avoid any spoilers in this and warn ahead should anyone else want to weigh in... Foreshadowing...

If you want to read it yourself: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

... Really? Ok-ok! Jeez. I'm going to skip over the character introduction, besides, incorrect portrayal of a character doesn't affect the overall opinions of people. Right?


Staying true to a Tombstone song, Run, Shoot, Kill... and Cry features a very high bpm on a 90's rock meets electro theme. This is fine. The combination is good. It sounds good. Apart from one, little, thing.

Tombstone, please, for the love of Cadence, make your songs gender appropriate! Blackjack is a female character, and I got beef with your male voice coming out of her. It's weird and I'm sorry, it's not like you didn't know anyone who could have voiced her. Besides the whole fandom seems to be at your beck and call so your connections are pretty much irrelevant.

I really do mean this in the best of ways, not to make you angry, or make your fans destroy me with layzors. I'm saying this because I want you to improve: 

Please, have someone else do your vocals. It's really not just me, it just appears people are too scared to pass any kind of comment against your 180k subscribed ass. I know you sing because you want to get involved in live performances rather than, in your own words, "just pressing play." But this is not the way to do it, maybe learn keyboard? Or synthesizer!

Just a friendly suggestion. Overall, l didn't really enjoy the song, and will probably not listen to it again. I'm sure some people like it though, 5k likes, not bad.

Anyway, I've -

OI! Let me have my two bits! Don't get me wrong here, I love Project Horizons, Kkat is a great writer and managed to get a story that deserves an epic tag on EQD along with the original Fallout Equestria. So when I saw a song dedicated to the main character, a unicorn named Blackjack. Well even I had a little squee.

And then... Tombstone happened.

Now, I don't have anything against Tombstone, it's just his style of dubstep/electro is not my thing... and his singing voice, holy sweet f^&# that singing voice, I would rather wake up to the Insane Clown Posse every morning.

The song itself is rather generic, fast paced drum machine, which in and of itself is rather overbearing rather going against Blackjack's style of fighting, while still charging recklessly into the meat grinder is still rather calculated and thought through... well in the later chapters anyway

The lyrics... oh my, the lyrics

I, don't wanna die 

So I serve my Duty and Sacrifice
But I am not a smart one,
So I might go trigger happy with my guns!

 You, might be left behind,
Cause if you can't survive you might just die
Don't, come too close to me,
Cause I might run, shoot, kill and cry... good bye

 “So I serve my Duty and Sacrifice” Duty and Sacrifice you will note are capitalized, they are the names for two revolvers that Blackjack found....she serves her revolvers. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE. You might go “trigger happy with your guns” WHAT?! “you, might be left behind” there are many different points in the story where Blackjack nearly got herself killed ensuring that all her friends were not left behind.

Ok, I need to get my blood pressure down. But this song, it's like some s&*$#y fanfic written by someone who has no idea how anything in the original story works.

Erm... Thank you for that... Lieutenant Torque Shroud... As I was saying, I've been Aetherious, thank you for reading aaaaaand,

                                                  Semper Filly!

Please remember that pirating music with a YouTube video down-loader is Illegal, if an artist would like to be paid for taking the time they do to make their works of art, respect that and give even a small amount on their respective Bandcamp.