29 December 2013

BATS! Analysis

They really seem to want to kill that bat with lasers and soundwaves.

Well, it looks like we've hopped onto the analysis bandwagon with Commander Firebrand giving his take on today's episode "Bats!" Hit the jump to watch the latest analysis, or click the image to watch on YouTube!

26 December 2013

FOB Equestria is upgrading!

Major Tom is, by himself, upgrading the site with some major updates. So hang on for some big changes.

Standby. Grab hold.


25 December 2013

ARTillery Inbound Re-boot! #024

Howdy, folks! My name is Brony Joe, and I'm the new staff member here on FOB Equestria! My job is to reboot the ARTillery Inbound post! And since it's that time of year, it's time for some holiday themed ponies!

24 December 2013

Greetings from Antarctica! The Frozen Brony: Day 1

The Frozen Brony

 Good news bronies!

Our literature review pony Dizziestbeef has been deployed... to ANTARCTICA. He is now (as far as I am concerned after doing no research) THE SOUTHERN MOST BRONY EVER. He'll be doing a bit of a blog every so often while he's down there. His first report back is below, so check it out, and wish him well.

Convention News: Everfree discount, BCon guests: Heather Breckel, Tony Fleecs

Everfree is announcing a Hearth's Wamring discount for badges at 10% today, and are including a special video for you to check out. Also, BronyCon is announcing Heather Breckle and Tony Fleecs will be attending. They work on the official comic series, and this will be Breckel's return trip to BornyCon.See more specific information below.

21 December 2013

BronyCon 2013 Review! Wait, WAT?!

Yeah, this is accurate.
I have two things to give to you my fellow bronies. One of them is an apology, and the other one is a 4 month late BronyCon 2013 review. If your wondering if this post is still worth your time being late and all, I'd say it is, because no one anywhere in the fandom wrote a review like this... There was probably a reason for that though.

19 December 2013

Convention News: BronyCon 2014 Volunteers

BronyCon Opens Staff Volunteer Applications
Baltimore, Md. - It takes hundreds of staff to make the world’s largest brony convention tick, and BronyCon wants your help. As of today, applications for staff volunteers are officially open. Not only is volunteering for BronyCon a great way to get involved behind the scenes and make some friends, but staff also receive free admission to the con, as well as a cool t-shirt! If you want to lend a hand, head over to http://bronycon.org/about/volunteer/ to see how you can help.

[FOBEQ Edit: This one's short and sweet, no additional info beyond the above release]
[Saunter Hoof]

17 December 2013

Songs for the Troops #027 - Learning from the Best - Neighsayer

Surprisingly, NOT a shipfic cover! I know right?! 100% innocent picture of Twilight Sparkle learning to fly with Rainbow Dash, accompanied by a quaint song by Neighsayer to capture the moment. Ahhhh... Relaxing...

14 December 2013

Letters for the Princess - "Castle Mania" - 3

This week we have Fluttershy's letter to Princess Celestia (seeing as no-one informed her it would be read by Luna too. Enjoy!

05 December 2013

Musical Critique #003 - Run, Shoot, Kill... and Cry (By The Living Tombstone)

Hehehe... Really Commander?... You want me to eh... Review a Tombstone song?... Oh boy... Well, here we go, let me get my Kevlar first. Alright, lets just get this over with.

01 December 2013

Letters for the Princess - "Princess Twilight Sparkle" - 1 & 2

Well hello everypony!  Ever since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stopped getting mail, all of us here at the FOB wanted to help them out just a little bit.  After all, the friendship letters stopped somewhere back in Season Three, and since our favorite colorful equines are a bit busy saving the universe, it falls to us in the Royal Guard to do things as trivial as paperwork.  After the break, find PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle's letter to her former teacher about Season Four, Episodes One and Two.