29 August 2013

Fan Fiction Review #45: Don't Knock It Till You Try It


Gee, I wonder what the moral is?

Author: Maphysto
When Rarity and Rainbow Dash discover that they disagree on a point close to their hearts, they decide to settle their differences the only way two mature mares can: by forcing each other to embarrass themselves.
A fanfiction involving Rainbow Dash and Rarity that doesn't involve shipping? That's certainly uncommon. Let's see if it's any good.

28 August 2013

Convention News: DerpyCon South and RotLCon

DerpyCon South

'Sup bronies? We got a bit a convention news for the upcoming autumn months. In this post is information about special deals offered by both of these conventions. Hit that jump now because one of these deals is only available for a short while longer!

27 August 2013

FOB Equestria Gaming night #28 (FEGN)

GTR goes back to school. Yay!
First off guys and gals sorry I have been slacking. It's been awhile out of Bronycon and I am just now getting settled into my new apartment. For those of you that don't know I just got out of the Army back in June and now I'm a proud student of the University of North Dakota. But enough about that on to the important stuff GAMING!!! (following the break)

23 August 2013

Fan Fiction Review #044: The Griffon War: A Soldier's Memoirs

Ponies with guns? Seems legit...

Author: Dusk Quill
When Private Fleethoof recognized his dream and joined the Royal Guard, he never thought he would ever experience the might of Equestria's military firsthand. But when Equestria's safety is threatened by an old enemy, he'll find out just what sacrifices war and survival demand, and what it truly means to serve for Princess and country, and just how important some friendships can be. See the war through the eye-witness account of a soldier on the frontline, all taken from one enduring journal. 
Can the Drill Sergeant stand reading a story about a Private long enough to give it its due? Find out after the jump!

17 August 2013

Songs for the Troops #023 - Neighsayer

Hey guys! Just me bringing you some stuff that I think is great, and with any luck, you will soon agree with me and continue to read these posts! Today we are gonna be looking at 'Neighsayer/FurtherProof' who is a "15-year-old Australian guy who makes music", and very good music at that! 

08 August 2013

Convention News: August 8: Nightmare Nights

Although some of you are still recovering from BronyCon and GalaCon, do not forget that Nightmare Nights is still coming up in November. They've released the Vendor List, Media list, and the status of nearby hotels. Sounds quite considerate of them if you ask me.

Rumor Control #001: Mando Joins USCG

Loose Lips Sink Friendshipsby *kefkafloyd


Mando Pony has been alleged to have joined the United States Coast Gaurd.

This is false. He has done no such thing.

Therefore, he can not be legitimately called, "a boot".



06 August 2013

FOB Equestria Presents: Drill Sergeant Creber

More fun from BronyCon 2013! This time, a recording of Drill Sergent Michelle Creber giving FOB Equestria. Check it out, as well as a fan recorded one below.

FOB Equestria Presents: Jungle & Pvt. Fluttershy

We are back from BronyCon, and we have our panel animations up! After the break is Pony Figure Therapy and the story of Private Fluttershy.

01 August 2013