28 November 2013

RoTLcon 2013 Review


Held in Thorton, CO (actually Denver, but we here in Colorado feel the need to sub-name sections of the city), the Running of the Leaves Convention provided a chance for all the locals to meet up and spend some quality time with what unites us all: love for small, colorful equines!  Catch the details of the event after the break.

27 November 2013

Artist Outlines #002: JoafTheLoaf

It's time to make some toast! What?.. It sings? Holy Cadence! According to intel we have a singing loaf of bread on Artist Outlines today... Intel is never wrong. Let's make some sandwiches.

24 November 2013

Episode Review: "Mmmystery on the Friendship Express"

Those eeeeeyyyyyyeeeesssssssss..........

All aboard the ham train! Commander Firebrand teams up with The Autarch of the Chaos Theatre to deliver your daily dosage of overreacting reviews!

He wishes to let you know he does this because he loves you. And loves talking in third person. As usual, hit the jump for the latest episode plus all links to previous ones!

04 November 2013

Mission Briefing: FOB Equestria Does Dallas

Wow, it's been a busy fall our most of the FOB staff (as you can probably tell from our lack of activity). It's time to start ponying up again, with the new season right around the corner.

Our first line of business is doing a little invading of Texas and hit Nightmare Nights in Dallas. We hope you can join us and maybe we can take over some more Irish bars.

See our plans below.

03 November 2013

Songs for the Troops #026 - (Super Spooky Edition) - Thriller - Applebloom & BlackGryph0n

It's that time of year again everyone. The time of year where jam pancakes are hung from strings and you have to eat them blindfolded. Or the time of year when someone throws an onion into the woods and you have to find it!...

No-one?... Cripes, you guys missed out.

02 November 2013

Fan Fiction Review #49: Antipodes

A long time fan-favorite and among the first of 100k+ word MLP fanfics, Antipodes (that's pronounced an-ti-poe-dees for those of you who are like me and thought it was pronounced phonetically) gives a fresh take on the post-apocalypse Equestria.

Author: PK
Set in the far future after Celestia and Luna mysteriously vanished and the sun and moon froze in the sky, Antipodes is the story of two ponies thrust out into the harsh new world on an adventure to uncover what happened to the world so long ago.

I've had this story recommended and lauded to me by more bronies than I can count.  So does it measure up to all that the masses say about it?  Find out after the break!