23 September 2013

New shipment of FOB Equestria Challenge Coins

Due to popular demand, we've ordered another batch of the challenge coins and put them up for sale. Only 80 are on sale this time, so get them while they are available.

We've also made a proper storefront this time, located at store.fobequestria.com


19 September 2013

Convention News: Nightmare Nights announces Jayson Thiessen

Our friends in Dallas announce yet another guest to their convention. We're told that this is the final one, but they keep popping up like moles. Jayson Thiessen adds to the mix of an already impressive show production guest lineup.

FOB Equestria is also working closely with the con organizers to do some fun things. If you are heading there, be sure to keep a lookout for us!

Announcement below with some additional info.

18 September 2013

Convention News: Everfree Northwest 2014 Seeking Staff

Whew, this summers con season was a doozy! Now that it's all over though, it's time to get cranking on next summers con season. Everfree Northwest is looking for some manpower to get them going with another year.

Check it out below!

BronyCon 2013 Press Interviews

Hello Everypony,

Miche here. With the excitement of BronyCon come and gone, and that our lives have finally settled back in. We've got some great press interviews from BronyCon lined up that you may be excited to hear about. Interviews with Nicole Oliver, M.A. Larson, Michelle Creber, and more! Come take a look after the break.

16 September 2013

Songs for the Troops #024 - DJ Pon-3

Boom! Or rather... Bass... Anyway! Today on 'Songs for the Troops' we will be looking at - at the request of a very special Norwegian staff member no less - the now Official DJ PON-3!
 So without further ado, let's do it.

11 September 2013

Remembrance: 09.11.2001

It's been been twelve years since this image was shot.  For some of us that wasn't too long ago, for some of us, we were barely old enough to remember.  There is no questioning that the attacks of September 11th, 2001 were the most emotionally scarring moments for the United States of America in recent years.  Since then, many nations have taken up arms, lives have been given, and wars have been fought.  May we remember the sacrifice of those who worked to save lives on that day, and ever since.

08 September 2013

Convention News: Nightmare Nights Announce G.M. Berrow

The con down south keeps adding to the awesome and they've tacked on G.M. Berrow to their guest list, the writer of the new MLP: FiM novels.

Check out the announcement below and a few friendly reminders.

01 September 2013

Musical Critique #002 - "The Moon Rises (By PonyPhonic - EileMontyVA's Cover)"


Behold, an EileMontyVA review! Today we are going to have a look at "The Moon Rises", which is an atmospheric soundtrack piece; originally written and performed by "PonyPhonic".
We have a lot of ground to cover on this one, so let's get started!