30 March 2013

Songs By Soldiers #004: BlackGryph0n, DJ Hollowpoint, Xil3

As an 80's purist, I demand there be 20% more zebra pants and shoulder pads!

It's been a while since we had a decent music post, and so I'm gonna try and mix it up a bit. First we got some good stuff from BlackGryph0n, DJ Hollowpoint and the Cloudsdale Congress, and Xil3 with a blast of Trapstep

Catch Black's remix after the break, and for a teaser for Hollowpoint have this



Britania and BUCK

BUCK went ahead and started a tumblr of a military pony within the Equestrian Guard. Named: Britannia. British military bronies are a group that is SERIOUSLY missing from our site, and for the life of me, I have no idea why. Perhaps it is that famous British subtlety...

23 March 2013

SITREP #036: Tragedy on Base

Lt. Solivan, a PAO in Quantico,  having a long day.

First, our condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones so close to home.

Recently the USMC has suffered a series of fatalities from accidents and non-combat related tragedies. But how does the military respond, and if you've got friends on base, what should you do?

For the incident at Quantico, VA

21 March 2013

FEGN #016: TF2 (PC)

New Fluttermedic's Catchphrases 2by ~stupjam

Just to let you all know, FOB Equestria game night, still exists, and is going to happen this saturday at 1700 GMT

There's a bit more information after the page break!

20 March 2013

SITREP #035: Herd Census: Us 4 Percenters

Yo momma is so mean, she has no standard deviation!
The new Herd Census is out, and you all are actually in it! Check some stats and figs out below!

17 March 2013

Con Recon: Las Pegasus Unicon

Yes, we were there. Tweak, Miche, Silvermane, and I experienced what some are calling the disaster of a convention firsthand. Honestly? Yeah, it had it's issues and definitely fell flat on it's face a bit, but that didn't stop us from having a good time and getting a few interviews while we were at it.

If you follow our YouTube channel, you've probably seen these already. If not, well then... you're cleared to jump!

10 March 2013

MWR: #005

He mad. Why you mad bro? Because we sanctioned your jewelry?

Alright, the MWR post is back, and this one contains, guns, Aussies, musical tanks, and a brief history of the USS Monitor, and why you should care.

05 March 2013

Episode Review: "Magical Mystery Cure"

Tokusentai... wait.

Grab the popcorn, because Commander Firebrand has released his next MLP Episode Review: "Magical Mystery Cure!" In this one, he does battle with colorful text effects and the barracks shower! Dead serious.

And he's still referring to himself in the third person. Odd. As usual, hit the jump for the latest episode plus all links to previous ones!