21 March 2013

FEGN #016: TF2 (PC)

New Fluttermedic's Catchphrases 2by ~stupjam

Just to let you all know, FOB Equestria game night, still exists, and is going to happen this saturday at 1700 GMT

There's a bit more information after the page break!

This week is going to be TF2 for the PC, on Steam.

Make sure your a member of our Steam Group so we can invite you!

We will probably also utilize our TeamSpeak Server as well.

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fobeq
Forum: http://forum.fobequestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=731&p=7004#p7004
Team Speak:
 - Join the FEGN channel